wan-na find something?

Monday, August 27, 2007

we are SFAMily.

the amazing group of women known as the SFAMily threw me the most fabulous baby shower that ever was on saturday. there's a really lovely spa/cafe hidden on robertson boulevard below santa monica in west hollywood called kinara spa, which is where we spent a good part of the afternoon - munching, chatting, playing fun shower games, and laughing our asses off. seriously, it was the most awesome time ever, and more than i could have ever dreamed. i had to blink back tears more than once, and forced myself not to focus so much on how wonderful it all was because i would've turned into a blubbering mess, and that ain't pretty. *choke*

here's a few shots of the silly games - when i asked "so who's pissed off at me for saying that i LOVE shower games?" i was
met with a few, um, interesting faces. heh.

we actually do have pro pics of the event - lilcee's second shooter from her wedding was present - so look for those in an upcoming post.

everyone had favors, too - these contained packets of boudreaux's butt paste (just too funny), some strawberry pocky, and of course, some choco-pies - yummy snacks that just
happen to go with the pink & brown color scheme.

my favorite baby hater, WeezerMonkey, had a very special bag that was just comical:

lilcee handed me a box and said "your other presents are coming later, but here's something to open from all of us." and inside was this oh-so-appropriate onesie:

and nanette provided yummy treats - mine was lemon (there were cherry cheesecake flavored ones, too). mmmmm!

as the shower came to an end, i managed to get a couple of photos with a few of the main organizers of this fabulous shindig.

it was SUCH a fun afternoon, and just amazing to see everyone all in one place at the same time! we haven't managed to pull that one off since december's holiday hoorah. that's yet another reason why i felt so honored - everyone lives in all different directions, and they all came out just for li'l ol' me. and the bean. not to mention, it's really awesome to have such a group of smart, funny, diverse, and beautiful women who are truly supportive of one another. we can express differing opinions, discuss 'em, and move on. that's rare, and very special.

i went home and showed the hub the pictures and the fabulous polaroid sign-in book that everyone contributed to, and he was just as amazed and awed as i was at these ladies' efforts and love. "thank you" seems so inadequate, and i'm just at a loss for words here.

ME. at a loss for words. this belongs in the record books. y'all know i have words for EVERY occasion. heh.

um, and then i settled my ass on the couch and promptly fell asleep. for, like, four hours. hee hee! i finally woke up around 7:00 and we decided to head out to red white + bluezz for dinner. it was a lovely way to wrap up one of the nicest days i've had in a long time.

i love my SFAMily. :)


  1. Aw, you da best girlfriend. Happy you enjoyed :)

  2. We heart you so!

    I really do bear a strong resemblance to Julius in the frowny photo. Hee.

  3. We love you, too :) I'm glad you had fun on Saturday.

    BTW, even though I know people don't like shower games, I love them! So no worries.

  4. cuuuuuuuuute! you are so lucky to have such great friends. i would have played games without complaining. :) i hope that when you have little bean you don't stop posting.

  5. I'm so happy you had a great time. We love you!

  6. Man, I am so sad I was out of town and missed it!! Glad to hear it was such a success!


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