wan-na find something?

Monday, April 25, 2011

i'm kind of a creep

do you remember my post about local (and now a new york times bestselling) author, matt logelin (although i learned that the term "creep" is kind of reserved for a group of ladies who have been matt's support group for the last few years)?  i was able to attend the book signing at my friend's shop, and i dragged the bean and the teen with me with the promise of heading to the grove/farmers market afterwards.

warning:  this is a rather lengthy post (even for me), but trust me - it'll be worth it to read all the way through.  really!

when we arrived, i was stoked to find a sweet parking spot right in front.  and even better?  the meter was broken, and i didn't have to drop any coinage into it!

we were a little early, but as we walked in i spotted matt right away.  and because i've been reading his blog and am a total fangirl, i was feeling really shy about approaching him.

i know, lame, right? 

but i managed to suck it up and go over to say hello.  he was super laid-back and casual - "hi, i'm matt, thanks for coming out!" and just a really nice, friendly guy.  he was also chatting with a couple of other earlybirds, and i went back to the girls to get them settled at a table near the front.  there was a nice, big promotional poster near the door and some light refreshments set up on the counter.

i rejoined the group to listen to the chatter, managed to introduce myself to the others, and watched as matt did his very first book signing. 

he was nice enough to pose for a couple of pictures with us, too.  the first one is with my new friend (an aspiring actress and a co-creator of an upcoming documentary about twitter), jen levin.

there were special tickets for those who'd bought the book during the shop's presale, in case there was a long line to meet matt.

in no time, the floor was full to overflowing with lots of folks who'd come for the signing.

i dig the special cameo appearance by the bean in this shot.

we hung out for a while, and i got a few shots of the bean as she wandered around the shop.  there'd been an in-store event featuring the easter bunny a couple of weeks ago, and she liked the decorations that remained.

before we left we stopped to say goodbye to matt, who gave us a hug and even invited us to his daughter maddy's birthday party the following day.  i'd mentioned that we had a mutual friend in nanette, so that must've proven our non-stalkerness.  heh.  although i'd already promised the teen i'd take her to meet up with friends at the beach, and so he suggested a playdate with all the kids after he returns home from his whirlwind month of book touring.  maddy and the bean are only a few months apart and would probably have a great time together, along with nanette's em and other friends too.

a week after this signing, matt had another local appearance - one much closer to home for me and that i ended up attending with my friends kelley and dailygluttony.  i totally felt like a stalker, but it was fun to hang out with the girls and have dinner together afterwards.  we met here (forgive me for the awful photos, but i used my camera because my DSLR would've just proven my creepiness):

found our way to the signing upstairs:

listened (and teared up) to matt read from the book he'd written, which had just hit the new york times bestsellers' list - yay! 

we were sitting in the first row (because no one else seemed to want to, and i have no shame), so we managed to get to the very front of the line, which seemed to grow before our very eyes.

it was nice to finally meet matt's girlfriend, brooke (i'd seen her at the first signing, but felt so stalkerish approaching her) and sweet little maddy.  she is adorable, and looks so much like her mother.  brooke was super nice too, and i really liked her.

by the way, now i know what it feels like to be on the other end of "i don't want to sound like a stalker, but..."  ha!  and i also told her how much i liked her interview that had just been published online.  matt's blog doesn't really go into detail about her, and it was nice to hear a bit from her perspective. 

ooh!  during this signing, i also managed to de-creepify myself with another blogger i've admired for a long time (and wrote about once, after a tragic loss she and her husband suffered).  and again, nanette was the key. 

while we were hanging out at the signing, we spied an adorable baby girl with brown curly hair pulled up into pigtails that we squealed over.  she was being held by her dad, who looked really familiar to me - except that i couldn't remember why.  and when they walked away, i mentioned it to the girls and kelley stage-whispered "they're the spohrs."

duh.  i felt so dumb for not realizing it right away.  and i totally debated for a little while whether or not to approach them and introduce myself.  kelley and DG egged me on, and after thinking that nanette would totally make fun of me for not doing so, i walked up and stammered out an introduction.  i dropped nanette's name, which was magical once again, and heather smiled and gave me a hug.  she and her husband mike were so nice, and although i was all sweaty and nervous, i was glad i hadn't passed up the chance to meet them.

i know.  i'm a royal dork.  you already knew that.

so anyway, i finished reading the book last week.  it's a fantastic book that tells a heartbreaking, tearjerker of a story - but i can't recommend it highly enough.  yeah, it's super sad and it will make you cry.  at least, if you have a heart.  and in fact, i'm volunteering to host the next book club so that i can make the girls read it, although i think a lot of them already have or are planning to.  the awesome twist is that matt and i are working on coordinating our calendars so that he can come, too.  it will be an epic book club gathering.

oh, and since i attended two signings, i've got an extra signed copy of two kisses for maddy - and because i'm cool like that, i'm gonna give it to one of YOU.  as with past giveaways, i'll be choosing a winner with my buddy random.org - which means all you have to do to enter is to leave me some comment love.  plus, i'll give you another entry if you tweet a link to this post and mention me (@luvbabyb) in the tweet.  i'll do the drawing on friday - so make sure you enter by 8PM PST, and i'll post the winner next monday.

what can i say?  i like comments.  and it seems to me that a signed copy of a current bestseller is the least i can do since you just spent a few minutes of your life that you'll never get back reading this post.


  1. Thanks to you I received an autographed copy of Matt's book in the mail on Saturday. I was really freaking excited. The only thing that could have been better was going to the book signing at Cordially Invited. I'm glad you wrote about it and am jealous Matt might come to your book club.


  2. what? he's coming to your house? jealous... i have been a blog follower probably since you first heard of it on the nest. i would love an autographed copy of the book. i hope i win!!!!

  3. Thanks for the post. I always enjoy reading your blog.

  4. Great giveaway! So if Matt does come to your bookclub, what's on the menu??

  5. Dude, you are SUCH a creeper!

    Heh, KID!

    Love this recap, and I look forward to the bookclub/playdate.

  6. Great post! I am a creeper too! -jmum525

  7. Nice post! You lucky lucky girl. I've seen both Matt and Heather at events and have been too chicken to say anything to them. Matt and I did catch eyes and he gave me the "you look like you recognize me look" and shot me a smile and hi. ;) #imadorktoo

  8. Wow! That's way cool that you met Matt and he wants to do a playdate with y'all!

  9. great giveaway! Ive been following his story also from the beginning.

  10. This is such a heartbreaking story. I have been following his blog for a short while but I would definitely love to read the book.

  11. How cool that you got to meet Matt, Brooke and Maddy. Sounds super awsome. Can't wait for the bookclub post.

  12. (totally not entering the contest, but i HAD to comment)

    loved the book, absolutely loved it! and brook..she seems so sweet, i knew i liked her from just seeing her in pictures..after i read the her interview..liked her even more.

    i met heather & mike last december(along with a bunch of other bloggers that are just as awesome) i felt like a total dork..so i get you. however, i'm even creepier since i dont even blog..i'm just nosy. heh ;)

    i hope to meet you..someday.(you know in a non-creepy, non-stalkerish sorta way) :)

  13. Thanks for the post. I look forward to reading the book!

  14. wow can I join your book club too!? I cant wait for that blog post!

  15. ok, so now that i'm back, I want to be part of this fabulous book club! unless I go into labor before then...;(

  16. Loved hanging out with you & DG! :) I also like making the blog too, not gonna lie. ;)

    You are right...this book is incredible. I'm on my second read now.

  17. Its been so long since I've made the time to pick up a book, but I want to read this!

  18. You can leave me out of the contest, but I had to comment that I have no idea who these people are.

    It's like when you read about my concerts. LOL.

  19. Hi Wan, it's Jigs...love the blog. Since reading your rave reviews of this book, I plan on reading it when I am done with my spring quarter reading for school. If I don't have to buy it, that would be even more awesome!

  20. Yay for a giveaway! I've been reading Matt's blog since the beginning, and yet, I'm a little afraid to read the book. I'm a cryer.

  21. I love your blog. You are freaking hilarious. Would love to read this book too and before I go buy it, how bout I just win in from you! ;)
    Thanks for always bringing a smile to my face with your blogging!

  22. Great post. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful experience.

  23. Glad you had a great time and I can sense your excitement! Thanks for spreading the words. I've living under the rock so I haven't heard about him. I can't wait to read this book now.

  24. I am so jealous that you got to me him not once but twice and are going to get the girls togther! Now who sounds creepy. He just seems like such a cool guy, I really feel like I "know" him after reading his blog for all these years and the book. Which as you said is a great book! I cried through the entire thing.

  25. I would love to win the signed copy. I've been following Matt's blog for about a year now and was super excited for the book to come out.

    P.S. I love your blog too!

  26. Love your blog and would love a signed copy of his book!

  27. I've been reading through all of matt's blog posts ever since you posted the link! so sad and yet inspiring! I would love to read the book!

  28. I'd love a copy!! Jealous that you got to attend a book signing. Wish he'd come to Las Vegas!

  29. Shared via Twitter! (twitter.com/g2gsk8)

  30. I just started reading his blog after one of your recent posts. I've added Two Kisses for Maddie to my wish list, but don't have a copy yet. It would be awesome to win one. :)

  31. Total creep here. Didn't order the book right away but did get it via Amazon last week and awaiting my copy in the mail any day now. Hoping to trade up for a signed copy :)

  32. I'm so jealous that you got to meet him twice! I love his blog, and so far no dates are scheduled near me. Total bummer!

  33. Matt is an amazing man! I can't wait to read his book.

  34. In my professional opinion, outing yourself as a blog stalker is incredibly endearing. ;-)

    I really want to read this book. I will buy a box of tissues to go along with it because I'm sure the ugly cry goes right along with it.

    It would be awesome if he came to book club!

  35. Pick me, Pick me! :) I have been following Matt's blog since the very beginning, and would LOVE a signed copy!

  36. I'd be a stalker creep to meet Matt & the Spohrs!
    Such inspiration there.

    A signed book? Yes, please!

  37. get me in on this! love your blog (not just saying that to get a free book... promise.)

  38. Ok let's try again now that I got signed in.. I just got my signed copy in the mail and on the Twitter Chat Party was offered a winners copy, which was the sweetest thing. I did not take it,though. But I would live to win a signed cooy for my sister in law who has done so much emotionally for me and the kids. Even if I don't win. I'm determined to get het a copy signed. I'm going to try to get the kids to MD to Matt's book reading.& I don't thing ur a stalker...lol

  39. I've been following Matt's blog awhile now. I would love to win a copy of his book! So cool you got to meet him.

  40. Nice to hear about the reading since I can't go my self! Thanks!

  41. Total stalker here.Love,love Matt & his writing.NEED that book!Please??

  42. I am totally nervous to talk to the Author, Mr. Logelin. What do you say? Thanks to your post, I know I can feel comfortable to just go for it, Matt won't bite. Thanks. Love 2K4M!!!

  43. What a great post about meeting world famous author Matt Logelin (and Brooke and Maddy). I absolutely was going to try to make it to either/both of those and it just didn't work out. I would be super nervous too just because I don't want anyone to think I'm a stalker--just a fan. I don't think I'm particularly creepy (but don't ask my hubby or kids that) but I'd still be nervous. I would love to have a signed copy--I'm getting mine (book and audio) signed when he comes down to the OC for certain.

  44. He he! I creep (not a for real 'creeper', but creep nonetheless on Matt's blog) which led me to creep on your blog. So jealous that you met Matt, Maddy and Brooke, twice for that matter! Looks like I am the stalker now...

  45. Lucky you! I'd never have the nerve to introduce myself. I'm waaay to shy.

  46. Just heard about this book and have been reading the blog until I can get a copy :) Thanks for your generosity!

  47. I just found your blog through Matt's and I wanted a chance to win a book! I loved your blog and will be a follower now!

  48. Tweeted! http://twitter.com/#!/heidialmeter

  49. I loved Matt's book and would LOVE a signed copy, cause I'm in Chicago and his book tour isn't bringing him here. And I loved your blog post. I totally read Heather's blog to and would have totally been like you...nervous and excited to meet them. I don't blog myself, so it's funny that I have my blog "celebrities"!

  50. I'm sure if I see you walking down the street, I'd be super nervous to introduce myself as well!

  51. I asked for a book for my birthday but a signed copy would be so fabulous! I totally understand your feelings of being a stalker!! I wouldn't have probably introduced myself at all because I don't know Nanette! Ha. Anyway, thanks for the opportunity to win a signed book! You rock!

    Shari Drew

  52. I would love a signed copy of this book I found so inspirational.

  53. Would love this. I kept entering Matt's giveaway's, but didn't win.


  54. I love how stalkery you were.

    So much fun!!

  55. I'd love to win a signed copy of Matt's book!

  56. I love your blog and would like to win a copy of Matt's book! Pick me, pick me, pick me, PLEASE!

  57. I would like to enter and I would like to win, please! :-p

    Stopped by your blog for the first time today and love it :)

  58. Just tweeted about this, as well!


  59. I would love a copy of the book. I missed to book signing here in austin and kinda bummed about it.

  60. Thanks for the blog post! I caught it off of Matt's twitter account.. It is awesome to see so many people following this story!!

  61. Great blog post! Would love to read this book!

  62. I just found your blog from Matt's. This is so great that you got to meet him and the Spohrs too! Is Annie as cute in person as she is in her pictures?

  63. Awesome post! Thanks for sharing. I want to read this book so badly!

  64. Not entering the contest, since I have a copy of the book on the way and I'm going to a signing next month, but MAN I'll be so excited if he comes to book club! And I love that you are such a stalker. :-)

  65. I wish there was a signing/reading close to me! Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy. =)

  66. creeper status for sure. still haven't got his book and I've been wanting to. might as well see if I could win. :) this was a great post. hope your schedule works with matt so he can be at your book club. that will for sure be epic!

  67. I stayed away from his blog for a long time because I knew it would be heart-wrenching to read. I heard about it several yrs ago on the Nest and I just recently hopped on. What an emotional, yet beautiful story! Who knows when I'll get the guts to read the book. Thanks for being a stalker though!

  68. So are u going to go thru all the comments? Good thing there isn't a zero or two at the end, Ud take back ur "I like comments" comment. ; ) I think its so nice Ur giving one of ur copies away. I'm hoping to get a signed copy for my ex sister in law. She got me hooked on Matt's blog couple of yrs ago.
    Bean is way too cute!!! & u cook way too often ur making me look really bad!!! LOL good luck to everybody & I don't think U stalked Matt

  69. How cool, I hope he'll be able to make it to book club!!!


i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...