wan-na find something?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

fashionista wan-nabe

it's been lovely to have time at the sewing machine in the last few days.  since we're taking off to hot and humid dallas soon, i'm trying to make myself some cute things to wear using lots of inspiration from my pinterest boards.

a trip to IKEA, of all places, yielded me some yardage that i'd been looking for to make a skirt i've been eyeing for ages.  i perused a bunch of different tutorials and ultimately ended up winging it, using bits and pieces of skirts made by other, more talented bloggers.  and i'm pretty excited with how it turned out - although you'll have to excuse the bad styling and the obvious bra lines through my t-shirt.  heh.

i'm thinking that a simple navy top and a pair of neutral wedges would work with it, but feel free to style me as you see fit.  i need all the help i can get, you know.

the other finished item is this dress:

it is so comfy, i dig it.  oh, and can you tell that i've got a thing for vertical horizontal (haha, i totally botched that one. thanks, friend) stripes these days?  they just seem to work so well, and i love 'em.  someone posted a fashion pinboard on pinterest that included a similar dress worn with flat sandals, big bangles, neutral handbag, and aviator sunglasses.  we'll see what i come up with.

plus, when the hub got home and i was proudly modeling it for him, he side-eyed me and said "hmmm, went shopping, huh?" and i beamed as i said "nope, i made this."  he was rather surprised, and i was so dorkily proud of myself.

i've got at least one other dress that i want to complete, and it seems simple enough to do.  it's another totally-winging-it, in-my-head style using pieces of dresses i've seen online, and i hope it works.  this time, it's yellow and white...stripes.  yup.

it'll go really well with the wedges i just bought at payless.  for $7.  fantastic!


  1. Those are horizontal stripes, m'dear.

    But you wear them well.

    I would look like Grimace squeezed into The Hamburglar's outfit.

  2. You are adorable and I envy your sewing talents. You are also so petite that you can wear horizontal stripes and get away with it. Both outfits look great on you.

  3. I love the dress...must tell me where you got the pattern or tutorial or whatever, I want to try making one :)

  4. Adorable skirt! I think at 12 wks preggo (and growing) horizontal stripes may be something I want to stay away from for awhile...but you rock it!

  5. I loooove the dress it looks so comfy.
    ok now my goal in life is to learn how to sew....i should probably buy a sewing machine first though :)


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