wan-na find something?

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

there goes my baby

wanna hear something that'll blow your mind?


holy shit, right?  she's totally responsible for her own actions now.  i don't have to sign permission slips and waivers on her behalf anymore.  i could send her out to buy me lottery tickets if i really wanted to.  next time election day rolls around, she can vote!  hell, she can get married.  and she can buy a monkey, for the love of poop.  heheh.

she spent a good chunk of the morning and afternoon over at her dad's, which left the bean and me lots of time to scurry around and get ready to surprise her with some fun stuff.  a trip to party city yielded this giant balloon and other fun decorations:

and the bean baked her beloved sister a birthday cake.  i measured stuff out for her, but she did just about everything else - poured it all in, cracked the egg, stirred it all up.  i did spray the pan, pour the batter in, and pop it in the oven, though.  and she was so, so, so proud of herself.

it turned out beautifully.

she chose the frosting color and spread most of it on, i did the sloppy handwriting job, and then she had fun with the sprinkles.  i thought she did a fine job.

when she heard the garage door open, she made the hub and me hide in the kitchen.  we all jumped out and yelled "surprise!!" at the teen, who was super amused at our antics.  and then the hub lit the candles and we sang at the top of our lungs.  she was a little less amused at this part.

present time!  because i'd asked her to give me links to the specific items she wanted, none of them were a surprise.  it's safer that way, and still fun to unwrap...right?

i crack up at the bean's expression in this shot, just before the teen sprayed herself with her new perfume...right into her face.  oops.

so what if we hadn't had dinner yet?  cake is good any time of the day!

because she'd gotten stuck in traffic on the way home, we ended up having to go to plan B for the evening.  the hub got us a table at katsu-ya at the americana, which was crazy packed with last-minute mother's day shoppers.  we managed to have a good time anyway.

and what was plan A, you ask?  i'll answer that in a couple of weeks, after we actually get to do it and i have fun stuff to report.  you'll either think it's awesome or awful.  heh.


  1. Lovely birthday celebration for a lovely woman! Would have loved to be with you all on that day. Still hoping we can get together soon.

  2. Plan A is going to be, wait for it....


  3. I know what plan A is...

    LEGENDARY to say the least :)

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january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...