wan-na find something?

Friday, May 3, 2013

this i prom-ise you

what's the most important night of your high school years, aside from graduation?


i still can't believe that my firstborn has now experienced this oh-so-important rite of passage.  and looked far more fabulous than i ever have.  we'd shopped early for her dress and found it on the first try, thanks to a tip from lilcee.  she had all of her beauty appointments lined up and all of her accessories purchased way in advance, and even found herself taking charge of coordinating the party bus for their group of 36.

you want details?  i got details!

corset back and gorgeous hair.

sparkly shoes and holographic nail polished toes.

lush eyelash extensions, with a few pink highlights to match her dress.

earrings courtesy of stella & dot.

put it all together, and you get this phenomenal promtastic package:

cousin seven showed up to see her off and get a few pictures.

the bean was oh, so proud of her beautiful sister.

she's got mad love for the teen's friend, meow.

the teen's prom date was meow's brother.


with 36 excited seniors, plus parents and other various family members armed with everything from phone cameras to full-on professional DSLRs, there was a whole lot of picture taking.  the bean entertained herself as best she could.

my babies!

the group gathered in the backyard for more photos.

back out front, someone had already grown weary of their high heels.

and i couldn't help but laugh at this.

at last, the bus arrived.

the bean and the hub had disappeared by then, but the car was still there.  this was explained the moment the bus doors opened:

before they could board the bus, each person had to sign a waiver that basically held them to a "no alcohol or drugs" promise.  and then there was a little snafu with the sound system as the cable to connect the iPod with the party playlist was on the fritz.  but the problem ironed itself out, and the group was finally on its way.  the bean looked on sadly as the bus pulled away and headed off to the high school, where the professional photos were being taken.

no worries, little girl.  it'll be your turn soon enough.


  1. The teen looked amazing. All those girls lined up looked like a beauty pageant.

    Can you imagine our girls going to Prom together? I die.

  2. So gorgeous! And is it strange for me to say that the Teen looks extra Filipina in the pics?

  3. I love her dress! I would totally wear that if it were my prom again.

  4. aww...she looked like such a beautiful princess!! (i got a little teary..i'm a wimp..heh)
    also..how awesome that they rode in style like that!! a limo?? ppsshhh..NO.. a bus!

    so awesome, love it

  5. The pics made me a little teary. They grow up so fast.

    The teen looked gorgeous. And, I'm blown away by the huge group of 36. WHOA! I hope she had a fantastic time.

    (Loved the pics of your hair too. Looking good!)

  6. The teen is so freaking gorgeous! The pic of the boys made me Is wrong to be a 30ish year old woman and want to wear Meow's dress? Because I totes do!


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january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...