wan-na find something?

Thursday, December 5, 2013

it's the most wonderful time of the year

i know it's totally overused and tired, but hot damn. time really does fly when you're having fun. case in point: wan-niversary 8.0. eight years! so hard to believe.

you know what that means, right?  oh yes...it's twirlin' time. 

the bean was enchanted with my veil.  so i did what any of you would do - plucked it off my head and put it on hers. 

then we decided the hub should wear it, too. 

well, of course we had to make it a complete set. 

group shot. 

the traditional anniversary gift for year 8 is bronze. i'd jokingly told the hub that i ordered a life-size bust of my head to be delivered straight to his office, but my actual gift was much less grand. the teen helped me with it, pointing it out during a starbucks run.  the bean decided she wanted some credit, too:

after getting the girls situated with dinner at home, we hopped in the car to head out for a little wan-niversary celebration. our original plan had been date night in old town pasadena at the recently-reopened twin palms restaurant, site of our wedding reception. but sushi sounded really good, and we decided to stay local and hit up our favorite spot instead. 

it was delicious as always, and after making our way slowly back towards home, we decided to take advantage and sneak in a movie. i can't even tell you when the last time the two of us went to a movie theater together. 

it was a quiet evening at the local AMC, and the theater was empty when we first walked in. 

what did we see? well, the only one that worked was the hunger games sequel, catching fire. i'd already seen it with the teen, but i was more than happy to rewatch it. the hub had seen the first one, so it was all good. 

it's amazing that we're inching ever closer to our ten-year. we've often discussed going back to hawaii for that one, and if i'm lucky i can sneak my dress into my luggage and sweet-talk him into a vow renewal on the beach. 

happy anniversary, love. this is one hell of a fun ride!  i can't wait to see what comes next. 


  1. Those veil photos cracked me up - I love that your husband played along.

    My husband and I will be celebrating 10 years in 2015... we must have gotten married just after you!!

  2. We celebrated our 10 year anniversary this year...snuck my dress with us to Maui to celebrate and retook wedding pics at the beach- in the ocean! It was so much fun. I recommend doing that...and my dress wasn't ruined it was just sandy and it dried out. I even ordered my husband a white vest to match what he wore on our wedding day.

  3. Love that you do this every year! Happy Anniversary!


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january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...