wan-na find something?

Monday, May 12, 2014

can you handle more cookies?

the may cookie extravaganza continues!

so when i was asked for beer mug cookies to celebrate a 40th birthday, i was all like, "SWEET! i have the perfect cutter!"

and then i checked my stash and found that yeah, i had a beer mug cutter.  the mini version.  poop.

but you know i'm crafty.  and i have so many stinking cutters that i knew there had to be some way that i could macgyver some shit together to make it work.  here's what i came up with:

when i cut the dough out and put it all together, it was all like:

can you see it?  can you?  just close your eyes and...oh, never mind.  i'll just show you how it turned out.

not bad, right?  i was pretty proud of myself for that one.  sometimes my level of geniusness amazes even me.  HAHAHAHAHA, i couldn't even type that with a straight face.

here's the rest of those party favors:

my one and only mother's day cookie request was going to be used for a gender reveal for a new baby's grandmas-to-be.  i had a lot of fun with these:

this last set comes with a very serious backstory.  you probably already know that a lot of the ladies that i count as my best friends entered my life via the message boards on the knot, back when we were all planning for our weddings.  we all developed really close friendships both on and offline.  believe it or not, there's still one friend i've not yet had the chance to hang out with in person, but she's one of my favorites.

a year ago, she started feeling some very weird symptoms - trouble breathing, that kind of thing.  she ended up being diagnosed with a lung disease, which progressed fairly rapidly and landed her in the hospital a month ago.  she's now in dire need of a new set of lungs, plus a heart.  unfortunately, the ones that have become available in the last month have not been a good match for her, and so she waits in the hospital, separated from her two sweet babies and attended to round-the-clock by medical staff.  her family, closest friends and her incredibly upbeat and positive husband are with her at all times, and the rest of us are spread out all across the country rallying for her and sending as much love and prayers as we can.  because there are so many who love and care for this family, they've set up a facebook page where they post updates as they happen to keep everyone up to date.

one of our friends came up with the idea to post photos on social media this weekend in her honor, to show her even more love and support.  we decided to ask those who wanted to participate to incorporate a heart somewhere in the photo and use the hashtag #breathingforlaura.  here was my contribution:

if you can, will you send laura and her family some love, prayers, positive vibes, whatever you've got?  it can't hurt, and time is of the essence at this point.

we love you, laura!

1 comment:

  1. Saw this, thought of your cookie making skillzzz... https://www.etsy.com/listing/179169155/dinosaur-pattern-embossing-rolling-pin?ref=fp_featured_item


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um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...