wan-na find something?

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

living vicariously through the bean

with her daddy having been an eagle scout back in the day, the bean has been clamoring for a chance to learn all about being a girl scout.  i'd explored a little on their website, looking for a troop that meets near the house, but i found their site a bit...less than helpful.  i realize that troops probably meet all sorts of places, including the leaders' homes, so i wasn't looking for exact addresses or anything.  but it would've been nice to see - oh! there's one at this church!  or this school.  or hey, in this general vicinity.  but nope.  nothing particularly informative.  huh.

and then one day when i was looking at the city's online recreational guide for the summer, an activity caught my eye:  a 2-hour long "intro to girl scouts" gathering for girls and their parents to come and get information about what girl scouts do.  it was only $5, so i signed up and put it on the calendar.

the meeting was at a local park.  looks like this is a possible venue for regular meetings, huh?

she was greeted by the girl scout rep and wrote her name on a colorful sticker to wear.

first friendship circle!

parents sat separately from the girls, and we got a couple of handouts to peruse as the girls listened and worked on some little activities.

then we headed outside to prepare for a little scavenger hunt.  she found her envelope quickly, but had no idea what to do next.  it's okay, neither did any of the others.

next up:  plant a seed to take home and care for.  i sure hope this kid has a better green thumb than her mother.  otherwise, that plant is doomed.

snack time!  i may or may not have inhaled a giant handful of these.

back inside, the girls sat down to decorate capes with fabric markers.  an art activity - right up the bean's alley.

meanwhile, i sat on a chair with a little paperwork.  although she has a busy schedule already, i learned that most girl scouts do.  this means meetings are more of a biweekly or even monthly basis.  now see, that i can work with.  i was afraid the meetings happened every week, which might have been a little difficult, but i think we'll be able to handle this.  and she was so excited to get into it that i couldn't say no.

i mean...could you say no to this face?

last friendship circle of the day.

okay, i admit it.  i always wanted to be a girl scout too.  i just remember uniforms being too expensive or something, so i never got to participate.  but it looks like it's never too late.

campouts and s'mores, here we come!


  1. On my honor, I will try:
    To serve God and my country,
    To help people at all times,
    And to live by the Girl Scout Law.

    Used to say 'to help other people at all times and to obey the Girl Scout's law'.

  2. Remember that each troop is organized and run by the members and their leaders, so they set the meeting times and places. Where and when they meet can change frequently, so it also be frustrating to have incorrect information on the website.

    I was involved in several Girl Scout troops until I went to college, as well as being involved at the council level when I was older, and even be a camp counselor during summers in college. It gave me places to meet lots of great, friendly people as a shy kid and many opportunities to try out new things.

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january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...