wan-na find something?

Saturday, December 30, 2006

whew, what a week!

So Christmas has come and gone, and I'm still exhausted, but happy.

I managed to find a fabulous mac & cheese recipe for my family's Christmas Eve shindig, which I figured would help at least my kid find something she wanted to eat amongst the cornucopia of entrees usually presented for consumption at those things. And believe it or not, I found it on the back of the Creamette pasta box! I'd link it, but I just looked for it and it's not on their website. Poo. But trust me, it was yummy. Crap, I'd better cut that recipe from the box before I forget. [running to kitchen]

Christmas Day brought a whole slew of other tasks to accomplish. We got up around 6:30 to watch the kid open her gifts from Santa, us, and the dog (yes, the dog bought my kid presents, shut up), which all went over quite well. Considering the fact that she had a pretty specific list of things she wanted, it would've taken the village idiot to screw it up. And come 7:15, we were out the door to get her to her dad's house by 8:00. The kid scored, dudes - she had Christmas with my family, one with us, another one with her dad, and she'll get another one this weekend when she comes back home to another pile of gifts. In fact, she'll get two - we're headed to my mom's house for New Year's Eve, where she'll score on even more gifts! Sheesh. I miss being a kid.

And then....the moment I got home, it was time to start cooking. I had a full-blown Christmas luncheon to prepare. On the menu:
  • Prime rib au jus
  • Salad (brought by the grandparents, thankfully)
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Creamed corn
  • Creamed spinach
  • Rolls & butter

Plus we had cheesecake and homemade cookies to offer up for dessert, with yummy coffee from Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf. As I'd prayed earlier, the culinary gods blessed me with a perfect meal. Everything turned out just as I'd hoped, and I think I managed to cement myself into a nice cushy place in the family fo' sho'. Granted, they'd been treating me as one of the family for years, but I think this meal nudged me into a permanent spot.

As for gifts, I scored on some pretty nice stuff. I got a lot of supplies to feed my cardmaking/scrapbooking passion, a miniature sewing machine (yay!!), the Fergie CD (again, shut up), a copy of Talladega Nights on DVD, snacks in my stocking, gift cards to Target, Nordstrom, and Black Angus, Philosophy shower gel in my favorite flavor (powdered sugar cookie), some cash, and the biggest gift ever: a dishwasher. Sadly, we don't have room for it, so it's probably going to get traded for a cool laser printer, but it was very sweet of the ILs, don't you think? I constantly bitch and moan about BEING the dishwasher in this house, but we just can't find a spot for it. Poo again.

Tonight's our engagement-versary. SHUT UP! We celebrate it! I see steak & lobster in my immediate future. Mmmmmmm.....it's all about the food.


i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...