wan-na find something?

Saturday, June 16, 2007

snoogle, studying, and sleeping (or not)

ugh. i'm up early today to wait for the orkin man to come and check the house for termites. well, i guess i should say "to confirm the termites", because we've already seen evidence of the critters in the kid's room. she came to me one day and wanted to know why there was sawdust on her floor. well, huh. me too. bleh.

and then when the cleaning lady was here this week, she tells me "um, miss? you have some-a little animals in your house." i raised an eyebrow and said "yeah.....uh.....we have a DOG." she put her hands on her hips and said "noooo. you have....uh....termitas? in your daughter's room."

and this was before she asked me on her way out "where do you work, miss?" i laughed and said "well, i work HERE. this extra room with the desk is my office." then it was her turn to raise an eyebrow and say "yeah....okay."

THE CLEANING LADY TOTALLY PASSED JUDGMENT ON MY HOME-BASED BUSINESS. poo on her. so what if she does all the cleaning while i sit back, 'putering with the tv on? you don't know my life, lady!

speaking of which, nanette posted photos of her office space yesterday and asked us to share pictures of ours. so, because i'm good at following directions, i snapped a few of my very messy office. i guess i should have cleaned up a bit first, but i'm tryin' to keep it real, yo.

yesterday, the kid and i took off to babies r'us to do the baby registry. i was
actually pretty shocked that she was willing to go, but i HAD promised her that she'd control the scan gun. was that a bribe? nah. ;) we had a great time scanning all sorts of stuff, and she totally made fun of me when i got all excited over finding a snoogle. hey, my back's been hurting and i've read a lot of great things about this stupid $50 body pillow. and you know i'm a sucker, so you also know that the story has a happy ending.

my real estate license expired in july of 2005. i've been extremely lazy about renewing it, because it requires me to complete 45 clock hours of continuing education. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. but the 2-year grace period for renewal is rapidly approaching, so i realized i'd better get on it. and now as i wait for mr. orkin to finish his inspection, i'm doing the couses online (um, and blogging). hopefully he won't have to come and shake me when he's done, as i'm slumped over the keyboard fast asleep. holy mother of crap, this is boring.

oh, and the snoogle? apparently, i'm not the only fan. i found the hub all nice and cuddled up in it when i went to put on some flip-flops. now THAT is a happy ending.


  1. Love it! I especially love your label of "dog." Cracked me up! :)

  2. Snoogle? SNOOGLE?! I couldn't buy it just for the name. ;)

  3. Your office looks like the Mecca of crafty-goodness. I am in love with your desk. It is exacly what I've been looking for. Now I am going to send you a crazy email pleading with you to tell me where you bought it.

  4. I am jealous of your workspace and it's location. ;) I thought snoogle was something you eat. Like a cookie or some other fabulous snack. I'm sad it's a pillow.


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um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...