so, here's the rundown on this past weekend. it's probably going to sound suspiciously similar to other bloggers' (ahem, weezermonkey, marriednotburied, obsessedwithpink, say it don't spray it), but i SWEAR it was my weekend, too. unlike some, i'm creative enough not to have to bite off of other people's blog posts. hey, i've even got photographic proof ;) i'll try not to duplicate their photos too much. we were like stalkerazzi - lots of our photos are similar!
friday was the kid's last day of summer school. i picked her up and after grabbing some breakfast yummies, i took her to the new house. we're officially moving in on september 1st! woo-hoo!! so. dang. excited. and, as predicted, she chose the bedroom and bathroom on the opposite side of the house. the kid has her own wing. ha! on saturday, we jumped in the car and spent part of our morning working as part of "team trish & spyro's wedding favors". there were four of us there to stuff & seal bags with two yummy diddy reise cookies and then slap a customized label on top. i must say, i was most proud of the fact that we managed to make all 100 favors without finding a way to eat a SINGLE cookie. 
after running a few errands, we headed home to relax a bit before getting ready for trish and spyro's fabulous wedding. traffic is so unpredictable, so we took off right around 4:00 for the 5:00 start time - with the church only about half an hour away. as we exit the freeway, my phone rings, and it's nanette: "it starts at 5, right? because there aren't that many cars here yet!"
sure enough, when we arrive, only a few cars were present, and as we head for a shady parking spot, i spy the florist JUST arriving with the floral arrangements for the pews. it's already 4:45!
and wow, what a church. i've never seen anything like it! giant chandeliers, very ornate decorations, quite overwhelming. but an awesome setting for what promises to be an awesome wedding. while we're perusing the program (which includes some very helpful and interesting details about the greek orthodox ceremony we're about to witness), i get the kid to let me take a photo of us.
i took a few photos in the church and at the ceremony, but they're pitifully blurry. here's just a few i managed to snap off:

after the ceremony, the girls and i squinted into the sun for a group photo and then we were off to the ritz-carlton in pasadena for the reception.
it was GORGEOUS. weezermonkey and i managed to sneak into the courtyard pre-cocktail hour to snap some detail shots:

and then as the hub, the kid and i strolled around the ritz, we ran into the bride and groom, fresh from their photo session. i, of course, took the opportunity to sneak a photo with the glowingly gorgeous bride:
i know, i know, i totally cheated. but i HAD to! i sashayed back out to the courtyard to gloat to the others [in singsong voice] "i got to see triiiiiiiiiish....."
i'm so mean.
congrats to trish and spyro, the new mr. & mrs.! it was a beautiful wedding, and worth the wait ;)
oh, and then sunday was my good friend's baby shower. here's something you'll never see again: