wan-na find something?
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
sweet! i can blog normally again!
and as with most "kid weeks", i'm off and running today. the kid's been dying to hit up knott's to ride their new "sierra sidewinder" ride. of course, we'll be dragging a couple of her friends with us, and i've been racking my brain trying to think of what the hell i'm going to do to amuse myself for hours on end. luckily, it'll be a good 5-10 degrees cooler in the inland OC than at home, and the hub already handed me a wad of cash for snacks and such. i see funnel cake in my future!!
i've also finally booked a maternity shoot with crissy, a knottie favorite. after juggling schedules and having to shoot down countless potential dates, we're finally set to do it next wednesday. the sad part for me is that the kid won't be present for said shoot, but at this point i just want to document the belly on pro film. not to mention, she was cringing at the thought of being part of the whole thing to begin with. heh. my kid, camera-shy?? please. although her current lack of excitement over this whole thing ("you want me to take pictures with that THING before it even comes out?") doesn't make this a surprise in the least. [sigh]
i'm off to pack a goody bag for me - magazines, a book, snacks...it should be an interesting day.
Monday, July 30, 2007
fabulous, fabulous weekend!
i took a few photos in the church and at the ceremony, but they're pitifully blurry. here's just a few i managed to snap off:
after the ceremony, the girls and i squinted into the sun for a group photo and then we were off to the ritz-carlton in pasadena for the reception.
it was GORGEOUS. weezermonkey and i managed to sneak into the courtyard pre-cocktail hour to snap some detail shots:
and then as the hub, the kid and i strolled around the ritz, we ran into the bride and groom, fresh from their photo session. i, of course, took the opportunity to sneak a photo with the glowingly gorgeous bride:
i know, i know, i totally cheated. but i HAD to! i sashayed back out to the courtyard to gloat to the others [in singsong voice] "i got to see triiiiiiiiiish....."
i'm so mean.
congrats to trish and spyro, the new mr. & mrs.! it was a beautiful wedding, and worth the wait ;)
oh, and then sunday was my good friend's baby shower. here's something you'll never see again:
Friday, July 27, 2007
too. much. to. do.
holy crap. i'm seriously shitting a brick as i realize how much has to be accomplished in the next couple of months:
- pack up the house
- keep the kid entertained for her "real" vacation (she just finished her last day of summer school today)
- try to keep cool in the 9th circle of hell
- gear up for no less than THREE baby showers (that's the fun part!)
- complete two full invitation orders for upcoming weddings
- move to the new casa. oy.
- get the kid enrolled in the new school
- oh, and GIVE BIRTH. give me strength.
but i do have a fun weekend ahead of me - a good friend is getting married tomorrow (for which i managed to find a decent-looking dress to wear - on SALE, woo-hoo!), and a baby shower to celebrate the impending birth of another close buddy. i asked her ages ago what diaper bag she was looking at, and she'd decided on one by bumblebags - it came yesterday and it's adorable.
i'm now working on trying to get the new iMac up and running 100% - i can't get my damn printer to work, and when i try to post here on blogger, i don't seem to have access to composing a post without HTML. it's pissing me off, because i'm not tech-y enough to know HTML, and i'm lazy. i like the ease of picking fonts, sizes, inserting pictures, weblinks, all that fun stuff. i hope i can figure it out without having to go back to the ol' laptop every time i want to post. i'm getting pretty damn spoiled by the ease and speed of my new toy!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
we's moving.
we actually managed to find a house that's to our liking. it fits all the parameters: enough bedrooms and bathrooms, decent sized back yard, in the right school district, and they'll let us bring the dog. poor molly. i could never move somewhere that wouldn't welcome her with open arms.
as much as i love the house we're in, it just doesn't work anymore. boo. i'm going to miss the rent, too, because of course, we're facing a nice increase. double boo. but it's going to be great to finally be settled. we haven't even been able to buy any stuff for the new kid, because we don't have anywhere to put it.
yay for september 1!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
this NEVER happens.
so i went.
and i was in and out in 5 minutes.
i promised the hub that i was going to stick to our budget this month, and i'm going to, anniversary sale or not.
and it HURTS.
[crying in the corner]
this concludes my entry for today. i'm in too much pain to go on.
Monday, July 23, 2007
i got a new toy!
getcher minds outta the gutter.
it was "fun new stuff" weekend at the wan-nabe household. so excited!
so on friday, after viewing the house for lease (which was absolute shit, btw), we gathered up the hub's family and headed home for the bbq. i went straight to the kitchen with the MIL, where i started pulling out chips & dip, ice, drinks, etc. the hub strolls in and casually says "hey, go check your e-mail."
i give him a puzzled look - i was trying to get stuff ready for dinner and this was kind of a weird request from him - but of course, like the good wife, i complied. and when i walked into the office, i was greeted with the most fabulous sight:
that's right, folks. we've finally joined the ranks of apple lovers! the rest of my family has slowly but surely been converting over the last year, and we were the last holdouts. but after the blue screen of death started popping up on the laptop, i guess the hub decided it was time...and i sure wasn't gonna put up a fight!
so right away, he pulled it out of the box and started setting it up on the dining table, so that he could show his family the photos from his zimbabwe trip, and his parents could bust out the kazakhstan pics, too. we were truly amazed to find the whole thing up and running, ready to go, right out of the box - within about TEN minutes. so awesome.
we were so enthralled with watching pictures, playing with the new toy, chit-chatting, etc. that we didn't even end up bbq'ing! it got to about 8:45 and we looked around and said "pizza!" heh.
saturday was pretty quiet - we went house hunting for most of the day and then came home to relax, hang out, have dinner...and play with the iMac a bit more.
and yesterday, after church, we went to green street restaurant for breakfast. it was pretty yummy, as always. we usually head there or to pie & burger. and after we stuffed ourselves silly, we decided it would be fun to hit up ikea to see if we could find a new desk for the new 'puter. as you can see, we were quite successful:
we actually picked up two of these chairs. now there are actually places to SIT at our house! hmm, just in time for us to move. well, i'm sure it'll all look fabulous wherever we end up. i hope.
Friday, July 20, 2007
i'm tired.
today, i had lunch with some former co-workers (which was fabulous - it was great to see everyone again), and then had to go on a banzai run from claremont to pasadena to deliver an invitation order.
in traffic.
and then, i had to head back towards home. in more traffic. not to mention, i had to make a grocery store run for a last-minute BBQ tonight at our house. the hub's folks are home from kazakhstan and we're dying to hear how the trip went. so far, all we've heard is "it was weird."
so i pick up all the BBQ stuff, load the bags in the car, and decide i'm really craving a mocha joe from burger king. sounds weird, but that stuff is yummy. i swing through the drive-thru, cut through traffic and finally, i'm home. i'm hoping to sneak in a power nap before we have to head back out for an appointment to look at a couple of houses - of course, we'll be facing traffic to get there.
but as soon as i've managed to unload everything, make a pitcher of iced tea, mix up some dip for chips, and catch my breath, the hub calls.
"can you meet me at the first house? i don't think i'm going to make it home in time to pick you up and still be on time for our appointment."
[sigh] i was really hoping i wouldn't have to do any more driving today. oy.
i did, however, make time this morning to snap my weekly belly pic. AND it was a good hair day! maybe you can't tell by the photo, but trust me. at least i was smart enough to take it BEFORE i got all sweaty and exhausted. hey, my day may not look like much, but this heffa is in the third trimester and my eyes are droopy just typing this post.
guess i won't be making it to the nords' anniversary sale today after all. i simply don't have it in me (nor do i have the time) to go. hopefully there'll still be some decent stuff on monday!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
it's a BOOK.
there are folks who have been camping out in front of bookstores since MONDAY. the damn book doesn't even come out until 12:01am on saturday! and the insanity of the movie coming out last week - with folks passing out with excitement and lining up for hours on end - wow.
it's just a book, folks. it's going to be available from now till the end of time. does it REALLY matter if you scoop up a copy of it the second it comes out, or if [gasp] you don't get it until the next morning? just like the crazy folks lined up for hours at the opening of the newest h&m store. um, what?
i think watching the endless news reels on this crap is just bugging the shit outta me. there are lots of other news stories much more important. aren't there any new celebrity break-ups to report on? sheesh.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
toga! toga! TOGA??
there's a list of places to find god/goddess attire ideas, and the promise of free wine and spirits for those wearing their crowns.
so seriously, can you see me trying to squeeze myself into some reasonable facsimile of a TOGA?? i hope it'll be acceptable for me to just show up in a white dress. i don't need the wine and spirits, either. although maybe i'll look for a crown to wear. you know, just to fit in a little. i don't suppose a tiara would count, would it? ;)
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
"are you pregnant?"
you know, there's really never a good time to ask a woman that question. if she's not pregnant, she thinks "holy shit, do i just look fat?"
and if she is, she thinks "holy shit, do i just look fat?"
neither scenario is fabulous. in any case, here are a few clues to seek out:
- belly rubbing. pregnant women rub their bellies every few minutes or so. and it just happens - it's not a conscious thing, kind of like breathing. but don't reach out to do the same. you'll be left with a dangling, bloody handless limb.
- a secret smile that comes from nowhere. usually, we've felt fluttering from within and just find it so magical. this is sometimes accompanied by grabbing the hub's hand and pressing it to the belly, usually resulting in.....nothing.
- - sly, sideways glances at every stroller that rolls by. this could be a reflection of jealousy of the woman pushing the stroller, because it means she's not wearing pants with stretchy panels anymore, or checking out the stroller itself. is it a bugaboo? a quinny? ew, a graco.
- - snacks in the handbag. i can pull out three different kinds of munchies at any given moment. then again, that's always the case for me.
i better go. there's a drumstick in the kitchen calling my name, and i can't put it in my purse for later. i'm sure i'll burn it off at yoga. heh. mmmmm, ice cream.
Monday, July 16, 2007
a wan-derful weekend
although in reality, it started off with most of my saturday morning spent sitting around kaiser's lab. and when i say "most", i really mean it - the hub and i got there right around 8:45 and i didn't get to leave till around 12:30. i must've been really distracted by the impending test(s), because i didn't even feel hungry even though i'd had to fast, and i usually wake up ready to get my grub on.
anyway, i arrived armed with a stack of magazines and a book i was 3/4 of the way through. once i'd gotten through the first needle, i let the hub off the hook and sent him on his merry way. after a 3-week absence from work, he was hoping to get a head start on mail and stuff and so it was off to the office for him. i chugged the oh-so-yummy orange glucola and dove into my book.
i was more than ready for lunch by the time the last blood draw was done, so we headed off to danny's kosher pickle for sandwiches and soup. mmmmmmmm, reuben sandwich. mmmmmmmmm.
by the time we got home - a mere hour after i'd left kaiser - i already had an email that said my lab results were ready. i took a deep breath, sent up a quick prayer, and opened the email.
I PASSED!! no diabetes for this girl. oh, happy day! thanks for everyone's well wishes and healthy vibes. they worked!
sunday was church and then a drive down to my parents' house in manhattan beach. we had every intention of actually going to the beach, but got caught up in socializing with my sibs and their mates. plus, a childhood friend of mine was coming for a visit and i didn't want to miss him. i hadn't seen the guy since i was all of seventeen years old!
anyway, life is back to normal. the hub's at work, the kid's hanging out with her BFF, the dog is sleeping under my bookshelf, and i'm working on an invitation order.
and i'm ready to throw my printer out the window. it keeps effing up on these postcards, and i want to scream. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Friday, July 13, 2007
...and the peasants rejoiced.
all is right in the world once again.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
call 1-800-steeeeeeeeeemer
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
i feel the need for a slurpee.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
pho shizzle.
Monday, July 9, 2007
bitter, party of one. and a half.
so after my regular appointment with my doctor, which goes perfectly fine as always - the bean's growing just fine, the heartbeat is strong, i've managed to gain 4 pounds (bringing my total so far to 9 pounds, woohoo!) - i down the disgusting concoction and sit down with a book for an hour.
i waddle down to the lab, where i make a total ass out of myself by sashaying right up to the counter only to be told "you have to get in line, ma'am." i turn around and sure enough, there's a nice long line of folks waiting to check in. d-oh! and it's not like i've never been here before. so i slink to the end of the line, with a plastic "sorry, i'm pregnant and stupid" grin on my face. it's not long before i'm at the counter, luckily not in front of the same chick who put my ass in check. the guy goes "oh, you're here for the fun stuff!" and i say "yeah, but at least it isn't the 3-hour test. i'd have to kill myself." and because i'm there for a timed test, i'm shuffled right over to the next available lab tech. i didn't even have time to be scared or nervous - i put my arm out and look away, and somehow i've been blessed with THE BEST tech there. i didn't feel a thing, and in no time flat, i'm walking outta there all happy to have it over with.
i decide to treat myself to a new face, courtesy of the laura mercier counter at nords. i sit down for a makeover and walk out with a bagful of fabulous new products. so. excited.
a couple of hours later, an email pops up, and it's my lab results. i'm full of confidence that the test will be negative - it's been such a great pregnancy so far, and i had no problems last time, either - and what do you freakin' know...my glucose levels are HIGH. i'm pissed. this can only mean one thing: i'm headed back to kaiser for the dreaded 3-hour test. this consists of an overnight fast, a blood draw the moment i get there, TWICE the amount of orange yuckiness, and then the piece de resistance: a blood draw HOURLY for THREE hours.
kill me now.
Sunday, July 8, 2007
very nice, how much?
in any case, i'm sure they'll have a great time (i just made the "smell the fart" face as i typed that). it should be interesting, and those two can find fun and adventure no matter where they go. i'm already smirking at the thought of viewing their pictures when they get back. is that mean?
and in other news, i spent my saturday doing a whole lot of cleaning and organizing. i've managed to fill the trash bins and am not looking forward to having to wheel 'em out to the curb. my dog decided it was naptime as i toiled away, and gave me the stink eye every time i dared to wake her up with my shenanigans.
and my other exciting news - i chopped off about four inches of hair. yay for me. it still feels weird, and i keep tossing my head around, marveling at how light my nugget is now.
damn, i live one hell of an eventful life. aren't you glad you spent five minutes reading this post? that's five minutes you'll never get back, by the way. thanks for playing.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
a bunch of poo
i somehow managed to drop my brand spanking new mac studio fix compact on the bathroom floor just right - and the makeup fell out and shattered into about 65 million pieces. i was pissed. so i went to nords and bought a new one - and the next morning as i was getting ready, THAT one slipped right out of my klutzy fingers. i screamed "sonofabitch!!" and i swear i heard someone laugh (my bathroom has a small window that overlooks the street). but miraculously, i salvaged half of it, which is good as i refuse to go back and buy a THIRD compact in one week.
then, i was driving home from lunch with a friend out in BFE. i'm sitting in the right turn lane, waiting to get on the freeway, and the right arrow turns green. the hot and sexy minivan in front of me, laden down with about twelve passengers, just sits there - so i tap on my horn. i swear to you that i just tapped it, really lightly...i didn't lean on it or anything like that, but horns in german cars are LOUD as all hell. so not only does the minivan refuse to budge, one of the assholes in the backseat flips me off out the window. the only thing that kept me from going absolutely postal was the fact that i was on the phone with the hub's mom at the time. so. stinking. annoyed.
before the hub took off, we'd looked at a great little house in a very desirable area that was up for lease. it was just adorable, right down the street from the kid's school for next year, and completely remodeled inside out. aaaaaaand i got the call from the realtor that said a lease was signed this week. ugh.
klutzy fingers strike again: i dropped my phone just right, resulting in a series of small cracks in the top left corner. joy. i can't upgrade to a new one till december, nor do i feel like going through the insurance process to replace this one. hopefully it'll hang on. come on baby, don't die on me now!
lastly, a whole slew of bad luck and off timing helped me miss no less than six attempts by the hub to reach me. he'd called while i was floating through the lazy river at raging waters, and then again as i was sitting in a noisy restaurant with my friend for lunch. poor baby - he ended up worrying about ME in the midst of helping the sick and the poor in africa! and it didn't help that he called his entire family - brother, parents, grandparents - with not a single soul picking up their phone. no less than seven different phones, and no luck whatsoever. oy vey.
but today is 07/07/07. my luck is already getting better - i finally got to talk to the hub! now he can relax and enjoy the last few days of his trip without worrying that the entire state of california had fallen into the ocean, taking his loved ones down to davy jones' locker. gotta love satellite phones. plus, the dog didn't wake me up at 4am barking at raccoons, and the baby is happily squirming around in my belly.
life is good, my friends. life is good.
Friday, July 6, 2007
do you think about
Thursday, July 5, 2007
raging waters, here i come.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
independence day.
go watch this movie and tell me how it is
i was scrolling through instagram one afternoon (shocker) and came across a post from nick jonas promoting his newest movie called “the go...