wan-na find something?

Sunday, July 8, 2007

very nice, how much?

the hub's folks are taking off tomorrow for a missions trip with their church for......kazakhstan. not having seen the movie, they had no idea why we dissolved into uncontrollable laughter when they announced it. hell, even the grandparents had heard of borat! too funny. we cracked jokes about visiting the number four prostitute in the country and buying his dad a borat swimsuit. luckily, his folks have a great sense of humor and played along, even though they didn't have any idea as to what we were talking about. i still think it's the funniest thing ever - of all the places for them to go...

in any case, i'm sure they'll have a great time (i just made the "smell the fart" face as i typed that). it should be interesting, and those two can find fun and adventure no matter where they go. i'm already smirking at the thought of viewing their pictures when they get back. is that mean?

and in other news, i spent my saturday doing a whole lot of cleaning and organizing. i've managed to fill the trash bins and am not looking forward to having to wheel 'em out to the curb. my dog decided it was naptime as i toiled away, and gave me the stink eye every time i dared to wake her up with my shenanigans.

and my other exciting news - i chopped off about four inches of hair. yay for me. it still feels weird, and i keep tossing my head around, marveling at how light my nugget is now.

damn, i live one hell of an eventful life. aren't you glad you spent five minutes reading this post? that's five minutes you'll never get back, by the way. thanks for playing.


  1. I can't believe they've never heard of Borat.

  2. seriously, how gorgeous are you?and photogenic? whatever. i am the least photogenic person in the universe. i love the cut.

  3. Holy crap, that is funny! And holy crap 2.0...I KNEW something was different! So sorry I didn't mention it, but it looks very cute!


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um, i think.

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