wan-na find something?

Thursday, August 9, 2007

shower venue, check.

your eyes do NOT deceive you. this is, indeed, my second post in one day. i figure, it'll make up for not posting at all yesterday. i was so distracted with getting ready for crissy that i simply didn't get into it. i didn't have much to say anyway.

i went to altadena town & country club to check out the room they had available for the shower MIL's throwing for me. i'd seen it once before, but that was two years ago, and it wasn't one of the rooms we considered anyway, so i wanted to see what it looked like.

we're going to be partying in the "montecito" room. it's a great size - not as big as i thought it would be, but big enough to be able to spread out and mingle and stuff. yay!

there's a fireplace along one wall, and they
have a couch and a couple of chairs that they'll put in front of it to make a "lounge"-ish area. i'm already planning on staking my claim on this couch for games and such - my fat ass will appreciate the cushiony space.

there's also a giant picture
window that offers a great view of the city. we'll throw open these curtains and let all the lovely natural light into the otherwise dark room. and between the montecito room and the other banquet room is this cute little sitting area.

i'm picturing a bunch of cute little round and square cocktail tables in lieu of the typical rounds of 8 or 10. it'll be more fun that way, and people will be able to sit and talk to each other in smaller groups. we'll have pink and white linens and some pretty little cubes of pink and orange flowers on the tables. the goodies will be set up along the window and the ladies can graze and snack to their hearts' content! it's going to be so fun, i can't wait!

i'd do a fun baby shower twirl, but i'd get dizzy and i don't want to fall on my ass.


  1. Glad this worked out and the venue is acceptable. :) Do not twirl. I don't want you to fall on your ass. I'll do it for you.

  2. What a beautiful room! It's going to be awesome, hon. Seriously, lucky girl!

  3. the pics look great. so happy this is all working out for you :-)


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um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...