wan-na find something?

Sunday, September 2, 2007

baby shower 1.0, the professional version.

first of all, i must say that she who blogs first, doesn't necessarily blog best. i may have scooped you, WeeMo, but your post about yesterday's outing was way better! and, you beat me to posting the group picture from last week's SFAM shower. hmph. i don't care, though - i'm still going to share it, along with a handful of the other pro pics taken that day. here we go:

thanks to lilcee, who recommended her buddy jeff, the photographer! he did a great job of capturing the fun of the shower - um, and a whole lot of funny/weird/silly faces that i decided not to blog. i'd like to KEEP my friends, TYVM.


  1. I don't know about "way better," but I do think pics of the peeps with questionable fashion choices put me over you. ;)

    Love these pics. I'm amazed not one of us looks kooky in the big group pic. With that many people, you'd think at least one person would've blinked.

  2. I love those pics. Everyone looks so pretty!

  3. Everything looked so pretty, esp. the mama to be =)

  4. Those first, well, 10 or so were kinda like looking at the Where's Waldo books from the 90's. "There's Wan... there she is again... and there!"


    I'm just jealousE.

  5. love the pics. that shower was so much fun.


i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...