wan-na find something?

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

it's my birfday.

yay. i mean, yay! YAY! hmm. i've gotta work on that for the day.

it makes me sad that i'm not as excited about my birthday this year. i guess i just have so much other stuff going on that even i've managed to shove it aside. hell, i'm usually basking in birthday princess MONTH come september 1st - counting down, busting out a tiara, looking for a fun new outfit to wear on the big day. i LOVE my birthday.

maybe i'm just getting old. this year, i'm officially closer to 40 than i am to 30. and that's one hell of a depressing thought. dudes, my birthday dinner dress is BLACK. i'm usually in much happier, brighter colors for today. the bean's gonna think i'm her friggin' grandma, not her mom. and i think i need to spend some time this morning covering up the gray roots that have managed to peek out again. didn't i JUST do that not too long ago?

but on the bright side, i'm going to meet up with the hub for a lovely sushi lunch at our favorite place, ken's. yeah, it's out in BFE, but for some reason, it's absolutely the best sushi we've had anywhere - and we've been to a lot of places! plus he's taking me out to dinner somewhere romantic and fun tonight, and i just listened to a fun voice mail from the kid, who's with her dad this week, and was obviously in the car with him while leaving the message:

"uh, yeah. hi mom, i, uh, just wanted to call and, uh, wish you a happy birthday. yeah. uh, i hope you have a good day. yeah. and, uh, yeah, i love you. um, okay. that's all. loveyoubye."

hee hee! she's such a typical pre-teen. i love that kid.

and something else to be excited about: TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY IS TOMORROW!! my friend california girl reminded me of this via e-mail this morning.

arrrrr, ye salty dogs, be preparrrrrred.


  1. Happy Birthday!! I hope you have a wonderful day. You really do look adorable and nothing like Shamu!

  2. happy birthday, again! 9/18 is an awesome bday. ;)

  3. OK, OK...I'll do the superman boy sprinkler dance in honor of your birthday and to cheer you up.

    *getting up out of my own rocking chair*

    Sending you happy birthday wishes!

    *sweating from dancing*

  4. Oh, happy day! Why are you not wearing pink?! :)

  5. happy happy belated birthday! hope the day got better for you m'dear :)


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