wan-na find something?

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

the weekend recap. yes, two days late.

yeah, it's not like me to post this late, but it's been a little nutty around the wan-nabe household these days. so here we go:

the ILs came over to take me out for birthday dinner. the kid was a little miffed that this meant she couldn't go hang out at the street fair for the evening, but i had to bust out both the "it's my birthday" AND the "i'm the mom" lines. heh. anyway, we went to north woods inn, which i love - fake snow on the roof, peanut shells on the floor, and the best salad and cheese bread EVER? i'm all over it!

the kid really wanted to go hang out with her friends at a local route 66 parade and picnic, so i took her over to her BFF's early (like, 8am! on a saturday!). she was thrilled - "moooooom, moving reallllly screwed up my social liiiiiiiiife!" oh, the drama of junior high. sheesh.

the hub and i spent most of that day - you guessed it - unpacking. i swear, it's neverending. i never knew we had this much shit in that little house. and we're still not done! then later, we met up with his brother, picked up the kid, and headed to the l.a. county fair to eat some really unhealthy food and do some wine tasting. well, the hub and his bro - obviously, i didn't partake. BIL had a report to write on wine for school (he's a student at the culinary arts institute), and it was easier to do it at the fair than drive all the way out to BFE for some wineries.

so while they did their thing, the kid and i decided to walk around and find some snacks. i'd already found what i wanted:

that's right, folks. it's cheesecake. on a stick. dipped in chocolate and then rolled in sprinkles. i told you i was out for unhealthy food! and the kid settled on a hand-dipped ice cream bar, with rainbow sprinkles. we're suckers for sprinkles.

when we were done munching, we walked by a booth that was stuffed to the gills with little-girl style princess gear. and the kid absolutely HAD to have this:

this is comical because my kid is very, very anti-pink (i think it stems from wanting to be nothing like her mother), nor is she particularly girly-girl. she grew out of this kind of stuff by the time she was four. so i ponied up the $15 and off we went, giggling like crazy. and even funnier, she was stopped probably half a dozen times by other teenaged girls just dying to know where she'd gotten her tutu. loved it.

we did some mid-morning shopping at pottery barn kids and then decided to give burger continental a shot. we'd driven by the joint a million times and never tried it, so we took a lovely table outside. not being major fans of buffets, we bypassed the sunday brunch in favor of the regular menu items - there was a lot to choose from, ranging from pizzas to pitas. the hub and i opted for burgers, while the kid decided she wanted to have some nachos (obviously, the unhealthy eating was still in effect).

the. food. was. gross. the cheese on these nachos was all congealed and the kid just about hurled when i remarked that it looked like cheese jell-o. i guess i went a little too far when i started doing the "jiggle while you wiggle" dance from the jell-o commercials in my chair.

luckily for me, i had plans for dinner with a handful of the SFAMily. we were meeting up at wokcano to say goodbye to one of our own - our dear madisen had accepted a job clear across the country and this was our last chance to see her before her big move. there's photos and a great recap of our evening on weezermonkey's blog.

i found out that my cousin's girlfriend had given birth the night before, via picture message. ah, the joys of modern technology! so i picked up the kid from school, made a quick pitstop at babies r'us for a present, and headed to the hospital to see the newest family member, keira anne (i'm told that the name was inspired by keira knightley of "pirates of the caribbean" fame):

she weighed in at 7 lbs, 8 oz. welcome to the world, little one! a playmate (or rival, who knows - they're both girls, after all) is coming soon!

and today, i had another doctor's appointment. i'm five days from the big due date, and an examination showed that i'm dilated to a 2, which really means nothing. you have to be at 10 to birth a child, and you can be at 2 for weeks. she hasn't dropped at all, and hey - i'm perfectly happy with that. hell, come late if you want to! the doc asked if i wanted her to strip my membranes (after getting blank/puzzled looks from both the hub and me, she explained that it was a simple procedure that basically separates the amniotic sac from the cervix, which would induce labor) and i was quick to vote a big "no" on that one. nuh-uh. i'll stay pregnant as long as i can, TYVM. although at lunch yesterday, the hub's gram was telling me about how she gave birth to his uncle THIRTY DAYS LATE. homeslice was over 10 pounds. hell to the naw.

on our way back from the doctor's, we stopped at usa baby in san dimas and finally, finally bought a crib. the saleslady's eyes damn near fell outta her head when she heard we were buying the crib a mere five days from our due date. 'twas pretty funny.

i'm done! that's all i got for ya. i covered everything, from cheesecake on a stick to stripping membranes. you can always count on me to have a nice, wide variety of topics to tell you about. um, whether you want to hear about 'em or not. heh.


  1. Oh my gosh...there was a North Woods Inn in Long Beach on 2nd St. and they tore it down and replaced it with a bank and a chidlren's clothing store...They should have left it, that place rocks! Cheesecake on a stick...only at a fair can you get that. The tutu pic is hysterical!

  2. I loooove Northwoods Inn. Oh geez, its just a matter of time for you...i can hear the clock tickin'! :) If you get anxious, have a salad with balsamic, I hear that'll make you go into labor...

  3. Rival! Rival! Baby Wan is so kicking that wimpy Keira's ass. ;)

  4. Love it! I can't believe your due date is RIGHT HERE!!! I still remember the day you told us we'd be aunts :)

    So excited to meet your beautiful baby and find out what her name is. But more importantly (for you), it's your last 5 days to fit in the unhealthy-ish food before delivery and the ultimate quest to shed baby weight.

  5. We used to go to the Northwoods Inn in Covina for my birthday every year when I was young. Love that place! Isn't there a stuffed bear in there?

  6. damn... 5 days away? That's crazy. Do you remember when you first found out? It's going to be madness around the wan-nabe house come Christmas time. Love the pics at the fair... we'll be there soon, I'm seriously thinking about trying all that deep-fried stuff. You're better than I am... at 2 weeks out I was so tired of being pregnant I didn't know what to do with myself (hince the induction of labor and a 2/3 birthday instead of 2/14). Love you babe.

  7. the kid cracks me up! love the tutu :)

    your cousin's baby is a cutie, but i'm sure baby wan will give her a run for her money in the looks dept ;)

  8. stripping membranes? yuck! although I do recall posts of DIY waxing!! ;)

  9. I was 30 days late for my arrival too! I was NOT 10lbs. though, thank goodness for my Mom. And damn, your cousin jacked my baby name--well, that is if we ever actually have one and if it's a girl. Who cares, they're not directly connected so the name is still up for grabs in my book. ;)

    *chanting* Baby, baby, baby! Can't wait for her to get here. :)

  10. am i slow on the uptake or was that sly news on your part to call the baby a HER? :) wow, so close.
    i hpoe that i have such a great relationship with my daughter as you do with yours. so cool.


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um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...