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Thursday, November 1, 2007

ain't worth the hype

so i was reading the latest "best of" articles in allure magazine - you know, where voters rate all sorts of skin care, makeup, body, etc. products? and there are a few things that always get great reviews and raves that i just don't get.
  • diorshow mascara. yeah, it's got a big ass fluffy brush. and you'd think $26 on a damn tube of mascara would guarantee some fabulously lush lashes that create a breeze when you blink. and it seems that folks from celebrities to makeup artists to regular ol' women absolutely swear by this stuff. but i've been using it for a while now, and i just don't get it. i actually think i get better results from $5 drugstore brands.
  • creme de la mer. i'm thankful that i had enough samples of this stuff to last me a couple of months - because the hub would've put me six feet under had i bought an actual jar - to the tune of $150. i thought i'd slap this shit on and the angels would sing and fairy dust would shoot out of my ass and my skin would be glowing and gorgeous. um, not so much.
  • shu uemura eyelash curler. it's cool and all, and really, $15 isn't that much of an investment on something i can use for at least a year. but i honestly didn't notice that much of a difference between this curler and the $3 revlon one i used to get at tar-jay. [shrug]
but i'm still a makeup whore. heh. i'll still fall for the promises of baby-smooth skin, thick and curly lashes, long lasting lip color, and whatever else the magazines and manufacturers want to throw my way. yup, i'm exactly who their marketing departments target. and i dig it :)


  1. Not a fan of the mascara, the best one (I think) is still Lancome Definicils!! I still love my La Mer, and eye lash curler! The La Mer tinted moisturizer is pretty awesome too, and I think only like 60 bucks...

  2. I use non of those products nor would I recognize them if I walked past them. I'm so not a make-up whore.

  3. It's all about paid placement, baby. I agree with shortycake, I'm all about Lancome. That stuff rules!

  4. I like the eyelash curler, but I haven't heard of the other stuff. Booo, you (make-up) WHORE! ;)

  5. I've used up one little sample pot of La Mer -- mostly during the dry fire time.

    Still got two more! Whee!

  6. i like my SU eyelash curler much more than the crappy one i had before. it doesn't pinch me. always a plus. still haven't tried the other two though...

  7. As much as I love makeup, I'm waaaay too cheap to spend the money :P

  8. the SU eyelash curler is the only one that doesn't pinch the skin of my eyes so i love it to death! and i also like that it curls my lashed rather than denting it into a 90 degree angle.

    and i swear by dior's showgirl mascara! it does wonders for me! but it is a tad expensive.

    la mer... i have to agree with you on that one. i got a sample from saks after buying my wedding gown and the stuff felt greasy and felt like it just sat on the surface of my skin rather than deeply moisturize. i looove shiseido's benefiance line!


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