wan-na find something?

Thursday, December 13, 2007

lurker friends!

thanks so much to everyone who took the time to read yesterday's long, emotional, hot ass mess of a post ;) i don't know what came over me - y'all know i'm not usually such a debby downer.

but as a few of you pointed out, YAY for the lurkers! de-lurking is de-lovely. i knew i had a handful of regular readers, and from the traffic on the site, i could see that others were reading too. so it was really fabulous to read such nice, supportive words from folks who hadn't commented before, or don't do so on a regular basis.

and i do truly appreciate hearing from you all - especially those who have stories similar to mine. as trish pointed out, it IS nice to know that i'm not some freak who's alone in my situation. no, i'm just a freak. ha!

and if you're a lurker who hasn't had a chance to comment, i'd love to hear from you - even if it's just a "hi" or "you're a nut". well, okay, maybe i would prefer something positive. :)


  1. Well yes after that emotional response, I suppose I should come out of lurkdom ;)

  2. Aren't stats the best?

    I always wonder who the hell is reading my blog, too.

  3. I love reading your blog. I look forward to reading a handful or so blogs each day and they're what get me through work!

    Yesterday's blog about your dad was very touching, and with today's tendency to marry and re-marry as quickly as some people change underwear, I'm sure there were many readers who could relate.

    Thanks for sharing.


  4. Hi! *bows head* " I'm a lurker!" I think it's time that I come out since I read your blog alot. Yesterday's blog was very touching and I give you kudo's for writing such an "honest to God" blog about your relationship with your dad.


  5. I just read your last blog. Thank you so much for sharing that. It's hard sometimes to put yourself out there, even if it's semi anonymous.

    P.s. I found you through wemo;)

  6. You are sooo right! De-lurking is de-lovely! I get a kick out of seeing a comment on my blog from someone new. Yay for de-lurking! :)

  7. I think I've left a comment before bt,I mostly lurk. I love to read your blog.(just caught up today after being away for a week or so). You're a great writer and I can always relate to something that you write in your daily life. I have made a sad attempt at blogging myself (its not a daily thing)but, I am inspried by yours every day. Thanks!

  8. I've commented before but I just want to say thank you for sharing what you did about your dad. Also, I really enjoy your blog, makes me realize that I wish I could just be a SAHM

  9. yay for de-lurking.
    yay for stats.
    yay for wan-nabe inspiration. you know what i mean.

  10. yo. ;)

    I also enjoy reading your daily entries and yesterday's post was very touching. here's to hoping your daughters never have to experience what you've experienced as both a child and an adult.

  11. wow, i didn't realize you had so many lurkers!! but they must love your honest and hilarious writing as much as i do.

    have a great rest of the weekend! :)


i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...