wan-na find something?

Saturday, January 5, 2008

nothing to do.

this is quite a treat. we have absolutely no plans for this weekend! no parties, no errands, no shopping, NOTHING. we're seriously just laying around the house, still in jammies, being absolute bums, and hoping for more rain. the living room/sunroom has windows from floor to ceiling, plus half the ceiling - and it sounds so lovely when rain is pounding down on them. aaaaah. and so whenever we're blessed with precipitation, laying on the couch wrapped up in a fluffy blanket in front of the tv is our favorite place to hang out.

i'm also playing around online, looking at gymboree classes, paying bills, balancing the checkbook, and walking down memory lane disneyland-style at yesterland.com. this site is so fun - there are pictures and descriptions of rides and attractions that are long gone. some of them are a little bittersweet as they remind me of being at the happiest place on earth with my dad, but it's still fun to look at them. yes, i'm partially a disney freak. but my freakishness extends only to a love of the disney parks - california AND florida. i'm hoping to get to disneyland paris one day, but the hub looks at me funny every time i mention it. after all, it's not like we don't have easy access to disneyland from home - if and when we make it out to europe, i'm sure there are going to be a zillion other things to check out ;)

now we're debating going up to wrightwood to see the ILs and have a BBQ. i laughed at the idea of a BBQ in the snow that they've forecasted for the mountains this weekend, but the hub reminded me that his dad would BBQ in a hurricane if he felt like steak. ha! funny 'cuz it's true.


  1. We are lazy over here, today, too. Soo nice after the holiday craze, right? Have fun at your "bbq in the snow." :)

  2. This has been a lazy weekend for us, too. :)

  3. i was gonna be lazy, but then there was no hint of rain today and instead, i was running all over, from BH to Pasadena getting random errands done.

    that site looks like fun. i'll have to check it out :)

  4. I long for one of those weekends.


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um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...