wan-na find something?

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

snow day, in pictures

as promised (albeit a day late), here are fun pictures of our day in the snow. hurray!

i love this onesie - if you can't see it too well, it says "i won't remember any of this."

this is the ILs' patio. i thought the snow on the table looked like a cake! mmmmm, cake.

what a difference an hour makes. before and after shots of the back yard:

these two crack me up. apparently, snow is delicious:

the bean just sat with me in the house and watched their shenanigans.

they threw snowballs at each other, and eventually, at us too.

the girls were quite proud of their little midget snowman.

can't you just hear that lee greenwood song as you look at this shot?

and, home at last. molly was pretty thrilled.


i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

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