wan-na find something?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

yet another message board to read

okay, my obsession with this DD thing is getting a little ridiculous. redonkulous, if you prefer.

i went to the website, only to find information that's useless to me - a bio of jessica seinfeld, press about the book, blah, blah, blah. the color scheme and page design is cute as hell, but i had some specific questions and this was NOT what i was expecting to find at the "official website" (i'm actually making the air quotes with my fingers here).

so i went to my trusty friend, google. and found more information and some of the recipes out of the book on oprah.com. as i continued to peruse the page, i found message boards!

i loves me some message boards.

i didn't find the answers i was looking for, but was thoroughly entertained by all the people who posted pissed-off threads about how jessica was a plagiarist, how she was basically saying that it's okay to eat lots of cookies and cupcakes because there's veggies in them, that tricking kids to eat hidden fruits and vegetables is wrong, and more.

pwah! whatever. i just got back from having lunch with the ILs and a quick trip to the grocery store. i finally found flaxseeds, so i'm going to try another fun DD recipe. ;)

plus, my new belle baby carrier finally arrived! i got it on ebay for half price. yup, the baby carrier whore strikes again. this is now the 4th one i'll be testing out. whee! sadly for me, i didn't get my hands on this cool leopard print one (mine's in "sky"), but i don't care as long as it's comfy.

and because my posts aren't complete without a picture of the bean...

happy hump day!


  1. 1. Don't you dare leave your OG message board friends for some veggie-hiding ones!

    2. That baby carrier looks like it's from the Hustler store. I'm sure it looks less sexy while worn OVER clothes. ;)

  2. Hey, the bean is rounding out. I love round babies!

    And whatever to the pissed off folks. Putting veggies and fruit in your food is not a bad thing.

  3. that post on oprah.com IS pretty amusing. :)

  4. Your post from yesterday makes me want to go out and buy that book. I'm going to have to try some of those recipes. Yum!

  5. I'm still not sold on the hidden veggie thing. But then again, I don't cook at all.

  6. that baby carrier does look like some S&M contraption. maybe it's best you weren't able to get it in "leopard."

  7. is that some kind of s & m baby carrier...did it come with a wedge and a swing ;)

  8. If you build a message board, the crazies will come.

    Like a moth to a flame.

  9. I was totally gung-ho (or am I just a ho?)on DD after seeing it on Oprah. I went out and tried to buy it, but it was sold out for awhile. I kinda forgot about it, but now you have resparked my interest. DD cooking gtg?!


i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

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