wan-na find something?

Saturday, February 16, 2008

jump, bounce, out!

the bean has a funny habit of bouncing up and down like a mexican jumping bean, and i've been resisting the urge to pick up a jumperoo thingy (yet another stupid baby gear name, i know) for her because i kept refusing to believe that she's actually big enough for one of those things.

i even went to babies r'us a couple of times to look at it and walked out with bags of stuff, but not the jumperoo.

and finally, last week, i gave in. and then the box sat in the house for two days before the hub finally took it upon himself to put it together and plop her in. heh - i'd avoided it, knowing there would be assembly required, and i'm not so great at that. i lack patience for step-by-step instructions for items that contain 2475278458 different little pieces.

she loved it. there are all sorts of fun toys and things attached to it, and when she jumps up and down in it, there's music and lights and jungle animal noises. it's really cute, and the hub and i sat there and giggled as we watched her bounce up and down. of course, she really IS a bit too small, as her feet dangle about two inches above the floor. and it's at the very lowest possible setting! hilarious.

i went to take a shower and do some laundry while the hub played with her, and when i was done, he called me over in a low voice.

"you've got to come and see this." and here's what i found:
that's right. she'd bounced and jumped her way right into a nap! hi-lar-i-yus. it actually only lasted for about half an hour before she woke herself up. she twitched, she bounced, the music came on, and she was wide-eyed once again. so stinking funny.

and then i plucked her out, fed and changed her, and played with her for a while until it was time to make something for lunch (and not a particularly healthy one, either - meatballs with bbq sauce and some clearman's cheese bread - but oh so delicious). the hub took over again, and we watched her bounce and play while we ate. seriously, folks, it was so entertaining, we could've sat and watched her all day long. she gets this joyous look on her face and smiles the biggest, toothless grins when she bounces.

it didn't take too long till round 2:

heh. jumperoo = good.


  1. OH MY GOD. so funny. in our parts of the country that's called a johnny-jump-up. the first time i went jumping in one, the screws came loose and my brother caught me, midair. it would have been a rough landing!

  2. That's hysterical! I love it! You may have found something magical :) Those pics are so cute where she's knocked out!

  3. Jumperoo and saucers are the best inventions and so worth the $100 + you pay for them :)

  4. You can imagine how this baby hater feels about the name of this toy . . . but the fact that the bean bounced herself to sleep is pretty funny :)

  5. Back in the day, my jumperoo (a kangaroo named Johnny Jump-Up) had a huge claw attatchement that fit in the door molding. Apparently, it was my favorite thing in the whole world. I don't believe that the Bean truly loves her bounceroo. I need some video proof :P

  6. I want a jumper-roo in MY size! That would be awesome!

  7. Too cute! That pic of her passed out is hilarious!

  8. i got that pic when we were about to go into the spa and it totally made us both giggle. so freaking cute!

  9. I need my own jumperoo to nap in. ;)


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