wan-na find something?

Friday, March 21, 2008

the bean, unmasked

okay, her picture's finally up in the "cutest baby in soCA" contest on kiisfm.com. so of course, i'm totally whoring for votes here.

thanks to my lurker friend carrie, who gave me the heads-up on locating the bean's picture amongst the zillion baby pictures. i still can't believe she sat there and looked through all the galleries! wow! i barely had the patience to go through the first 90. heh.

sooooo...if you have, like, 30 seconds to spare, we can use all the votes we can get. it's only one vote per e-mail address, and you don't have to sign up for any newsletters or clubs or any kind of shit like that. just click here, and click on "vote" next to group 92. the bean is lucky contestant #13.

but let's get real. with over 3,200 entries, i'm not kidding myself - our chances are pretty damn slim of placing in the top 3. that's a hell of a lot of pictures, and i don't know that many people :X it's just kind of cool to see her on a website i didn't create myself! ha!

the bean thanks you. i thank you. and most of all, my ego screams "grassy-ass" - very loudly. but not too loudly. it's gymboree friday, and the bean is zonked.


  1. I voted, I voted! What a cute little picture of the little bean :)

  2. I'm having issues voting (the site is being wonky), but I'll try again later. :)

  3. After your great Rochelle rec, the least I could do is vote for the little cutie. I've got my vote in.

    Btw, if you want the help, I'll post a thread on my "regular" board and ask others to vote too. Just let me know! :)

    Good luck!

    P.S. I hope my delurking makes me less stalker-ish, hehe.

  4. Oh btw, the name that showed up for my original delurking comment a few weeks ago was just "s". I don't remember how I set it to show up as that... probably something I quickly entered when I signed up for Gmail (?), hehe. So yeah, that's me. :)


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um, i think.

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