wan-na find something?

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

hit and miss

hit: my buddy s' birthday was last week. birthdays are fun! yay!
miss: we can't seem to get our schedules in sync so that we can get together for lunch, along with our friend a.

hit: the kid has minimum day today and i get to pick her up! woo-hoo!
miss: this is her dad's week, so we only get to spend a couple of hours together. boo.

hit: i managed to hit the gym yesterday (finally!) and dropped off the bean at the "kids' klub" - and she had a great time watching the other kids playing in there.
miss: i was starving afterwards and ended up at mcdonald's for a filet o'fish and a shamrock shake.

hit: nanette hooked me (and a bunch of others) up with a writer for glamour magazine, melissa walker, who regularly puts out a call for personal stories, opinions, polls, etc. to possibly use in future issues. and melissa's second novel, violet by design, is being released today. whee!
miss: i haven't read her first book yet, so i can't review it - but i sure can plug it for my readers (all 8 of you).

hit: i didn't have to make dinner last night. this also meant no dishes to wash. yessssssss.
miss: instead, we gorged on ginormous burritos from chipotle :X so much for working out.

hit: my mom's back from her london trip, and i invited her to come up for a sleepover to hang out with me and the bean while the hub's off on a business trip.
miss: she and the stepdad are taking off that very day for chicago with friends. d-oh.

hit: the bean took a nice long nap yesterday (which actually gave me time for the marathon recap) and was in a great mood all day long.
miss: she woke up a full hour early again today. oy vey.

hit: it looks like it's going to be a lovely day today! maybe we'll actually go out and spend some time in it.
miss: well, none. there's nothing wrong with that! yippee!


  1. i always love your "yay/boo" posts :)

    i'm all about not having to do dishes. a big YAY for that! and how cute is the bean all passed out? hehehe

  2. Yeah, why the new monikers? We all know this is "yay/boo." You can't fool us!

  3. You should TOTALLY read Melissa's first book, then pass it on to the Kid as I'm sure she'd enjoy it, too! :)

  4. I'm sure you have more than 8 blog readers! (you're already up to 4 and you just posted)

  5. how awesome are you? very.

    this totally counts for my blog contest, by the way, so if you want to win some other books, just head on over and post an entry.

  6. sleeping bean is just as cute as smiling bean! :)

  7. the pic of the bean asleep makes me want to take a nap...

  8. A giant burrito from Chipotle sounds so good right now. Mmm...


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january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...