wan-na find something?

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

silly, funny bean

it's been a while since i shared a bean video. there are longer versions, but i misjudged the distance with the camera and my unsmiling, focused face is prominently displayed. so i decided to spare you that agony.

too damn funny.

and i was able to put her down in her crib for a nap this morning. she fell asleep as i hummed "you are my sunshine" to her (i hummed it, because when i sing, she laughs. go figure), and i decided to take a chance and stick her in there.

and wonder of wonders, she actually stayed asleep - for almost an hour. whee! the last time i put her in there for a nap, she woke up within a nanosecond of being laid down. so of course, i immediately pulled out the baby monitor that's remained in its box, unopened, since we got it in september. heh. but it had to be charged for 16 hours or some crazy shit, so i didn't get to try it out. for tomorrow's morning nap, though, we'll be ready. bring it on.

[sigh] the hub seems to think we're now one step closer to getting her out of our room and into hers. "what, you put her down in the CRIB?? it's only been seven and a half months." poo on him. but i confess, i've definitely babied this baby quite a bit - but she's our last one! i want to hold on to the baby stage for as long as she'll let me.



  1. Aw, she's too cute! Though I really want to see your unsmiling face :)

    Cherish the baby times, they don't last!

  2. Awwwww she's adorable! I didn't even notice your unsmiling face both times I watched it ;-)

  3. Yea for sleeping in the crib!! You know it was Nathan tested and approved :) I'm with your husband get her in her own room! You know I love you and that goregeous little girl!

    Me-aka, "The Nap Nazi"

  4. the crib is a big step. i hope it goes as smoothly tomorrow :)

  5. So cute!!!! My mommy used to sing me that song, too.

  6. I love that you even thought to whip out the baby monitor!

  7. She is way too cute!

    Lila didn't start sleeping in her own room until she was about fifteen months old, so I can relate. It's hard to make that transition.

  8. I'm happy I got to see you guys LIVE today! :)

  9. I love that song, but its SO sad and creepy!!!

    The other nite, dear,
    As I lay sleeping
    I dreamed I held you in my arms.
    When I awoke, dear,
    I was mistaken
    And I hung my head and cried.

    I'll always love you
    And make you happy
    If you will only say the same
    But if you leave me
    To love another
    You'll regret it all some day;

    You told me once, dear
    You really loved me
    And no one else could come between
    But now you've left me
    And love another
    You have shattered all my dreams

    Seriously? It could be the theme song for TIP.


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