wan-na find something?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

parenthood rocks the house

the babies are here! the babies are here!

even though i was already scooped by the monkey, these two mini-bloggers are too adorable for just one post. i was so excited to hear that both of our lovely guests of honor at SFAMily baby shower, 2.0 delivered their bundles of joy this past weekend!

california girl, as i mentioned this weekend, went in for a c-section on saturday afternoon. i received this via picture-message on my phone:

i don't have any stats, but mommy and baby are doing a-okay.

then yesterday morning, i got an e-mail from my buddy willikat, who'd seen nanners post on twitter that she thought her water had broken and was headed to the hospital. now, if you read nanners' blog, you know that her due date wasn't for a couple more weeks. so i immediately grabbed my phone and sent her a text message.

"are you okay? is em dash here?"

and a few minutes later, i had my answer.

"yup! e-mail and pic coming soon!"

i was so shocked and thrilled, i didn't know what to do with myself. and yet, i couldn't do anything - it wasn't my news to tell, after all. i turned to the bean and said "can you believe it? they both had their babies this weekend! they were almost birthday twins!"

the look i got was similar to this:


and as we were strolling around the grocery store, shopping for dinner ingredients for the week, i checked my iPhone and found an e-mail from nanette's hubby, who'd hacked into her account to send out the happy news. i downloaded the attached picture and just about melted into a big ol' baby-lovin' pile of goo:

that is one cute little newborn. she came in at 7 pounds, 15 ounces, and was born late sunday night. amazing!

and you know what i said about newborns looking like someone's uncle monty last week? well, in most cases, i still believe that's true. but these two are beautiful. even the teen, upon seeing the pics, had to agree - and you know how blase and cynical she can be.

i have to admit - i'd had such a wonderful pregnancy and enjoyed the bean's newborn days and weeks so much - that i was absolutely green with envy. i miss the excitement and anticipation and feeling the bean inside my body. but as i expressed my feelings to the teen (who blanched at the thought of me giving into baby fever), we looked over at the bean and agreed that she's so much fun right now. she's walking, babbling, laughing, expressive - and it's just an awesome time in our lives as a family.

so, with the teen's help, i converted my feelings of jealousy into happiness for my friends, who are facing the most wondrous, amazing, life-changing journey in the days and weeks ahead. they're going to experience the joy of that first smile, first laugh, rolling over, crawling - all of those precious milestones that parents live for. there are no words to describe how it feels when you look at that gorgeous little life that you created together, and come to the incredible realization that all of a sudden, you aren't just a couple anymore.

you're a family.

congratulations, nanette & brent and california girl & hubby! welcome to the mommy & daddy club! i'm really looking forward to hearing your birth stories and watch you navigate through these precious days of your baby girls' lives. and, of course, you know where to turn if you need help. there's a whole lot of us who love you and are here for you.

yay for new babies!


  1. They are ridiculously cute newborns aren't they?

    I can't wait to hear birth stories either...Does that make me weird?

  2. I was so happy that they didn't look like Uncle Mortys. I can't wait to see them in person!

  3. This is such a sweet post!

    Congrats to CA Girl and Nanners! So happy for them.

  4. Makes me want to pop one out myself right now.


  5. I am not into baby birth stories.


  6. Aw, sweet post!!! Sounds like the Teen is one wise chickie.

  7. lol - I feel the same way as Winnie - but I do love hearing cute baby stories.


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um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...