wan-na find something?

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008: a look back

so many fun things in 2008. a pictorial:

we kicked off the new year at california adventure park at the disneyland resort.

fundraising with the OC girls.

inspired by FGD, i got my hairs cut.

the teen's obsession with the jonas brothers began.

partying with fellow bloggers.

cheering on our marathon runners.

more GTGs.


the hub and i went to a few weddings.

two SFAMily members had babies, and we threw them a fab shower.

we hung out with family.

trips galore! new york, hawaii, mammoth.

i reconnected with my dad, through my aunt.

the bean had her first date - organized by her auntie monkey.

more jonas madness.

in addition to learning to crawl, then to walk, and sample lots of new foods, the bean made lots of silly faces.

during the teen's birthday extravaganza, i realized a dream: club 33!

um, and i got a ticket.

brother wan had a big year, too. brain surgery and graduation from culinary school, all in one month.

the teen started 8th grade, and made it onto the honor roll for the very first time!

i turned thirty *mumble*blergh, and celebrated with a yummy dinner at cut, ice cream cake, and got the best birthday gift ever - a third arm, otherwise known as my iPhone.

oops. haha!

the bean turned 1! at least, she's pretty sure of it.

the milestones just kept on comin' - her first haircut.

we participated in the CHOC walk for the third year in a row.

snow white, surrounded by all her loot.

the girls and i
barack'ed the vote. a new POTUS for us!

i finally got my first taste of authentic ramen - and not the kind in a plastic bag that you buy 10 for $1.

giving thanks.

hello, santa!

such an awesome year. i can't imagine how 2009's gonna top it, but with my wonderful family and friends, i know it's gonna be great.

happy new year, all!


  1. I guess this counts as a "best of" list. :)

  2. I love your photo recap. I'm going to go through my year and pick out the moments that made me smile. Yours sure did.

    Happy New Year my friend!

  3. love this entry. so many good bean pics, too.

    happy new year!

  4. Happy New Year! Stay warm waiting for the parade!!!

  5. I'm honored to have been a part of your 2008! Looking forward to what 2009 will bring!

  6. Yeah! Happy New Year! Loved the photo recap! The Bean pics were my fave!

  7. What an eventful year! Happy New Year!

  8. That was impressive! Cheers to Wan and Co!

  9. what a fun year end review! happy 2009 :)


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