wan-na find something?

Thursday, December 18, 2008

reading the bean's mind

i seem to be in a picture posting kinda mood these days. here's a bunch of funny bean faces, and what the poor thing must be thinking as her mother pokes that damn camera all up in her grill for the 2390828937039847th time.

"this cupcake sweater is silly."

"hmm. well, it did make me kinda hungry."

"oh, for the love of crap. again??"

"enough! no more! NO MORE!" admittedly, it was rather shittastic of me to continue snapping away when she burst into tears. but even when her little face is all crumpled up and bawling, i think she's...well, what her shirt says.

"maybe if i pretend to take a nap, she'll go away."

"ah, hell. will she ever quit?"

she's gonna hate me for some (or a shitload) of these when she gets older.


  1. Yah, but she's so stinkin' adorable, you have a moral imperative to take as many photos as possible.

  2. The first picture is my favorite.

    The word verification for this comment is "wishies." I send many good ones to you and your family this holiday season.

  3. I love the top middle although they are all cute!

    p.s. Loving her bangs, all grown out!

  4. I PPH the Bean's scrunched nose giggle. Love it!

    The word verification for this comment is "bishanks"...so, bishanks you very much for being a friend. ;)

  5. The cupcake sweater is cute. You know, once you get past a certain age it is not socially accepted to wear stuff like that . . . so the bean's gotta get all of it in before she gets to be our age :)

  6. Your little cupcake looks scrumptious. How do you stand having such a yummy child?!?

  7. LOL I love the cupcake sweater! All of the pictures are adorable :-)

  8. During her awkward teenage years she's going to love having all these pictures of her when she was adorable.

  9. OK, is it bad that I want a cupcake sweater too? Too cute!! The Bean and all her pics. ;)

  10. I want a cupcake sweater! I'm just not sure if I can look as adorable as the bean.

  11. naw,she'll love it. she'll know how much attention she got and how loved she was.

  12. ditto the above. my word verification is muted. so i'll shut up now.

  13. love the cupcake sweater!

    and she looks cute even when she's crying, that says quite a bit right there.

  14. Wow, that is one gorgeous little girl!

  15. Her nose scrunch giggle always makes me smile. I can't imagine how much you guys smile with her around the house :) I still dream of her 1st birthday skirt... :)

  16. haha, too funny! The bean is darn cute, it would be too hard to pass up taking shots 24/7!


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january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...