wan-na find something?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

twirling, twirling

so, tomorrow is the third wan-niversary. yup. it's already been a couple of years since this little gem:

i know that's endlessly amusing for me, so i'm assuming that it might elicit a little chuckle from one or two of you, too. heh.

anyway, i of course managed to convince myself that the day was weeks away. and the procrastinator in me (come on, there's a little one of those in everyone) didn't get around to picking out/ordering a gift for the hub until saturday afternoon. via ebay. and i got an e-mail from the seller that they'd shipped it out, with delivery scheduled for...

friday. damn.

the traditional gift for the third anniversary is leather. i actually do have a leather-covered wedding album that i ordered from snapfish, stashed in the closet. it's not the greatest thing in the world, but it'll do. and i wanted to add something else that would be a little snazzier.

i don't know if you remember, but i bought the hub a GPS for his birthday this year. well, that one ended up breaking, and i had to hunt down another one to replace it. and then a couple of months later, his car got broken into and among other things, guess what was stolen? grrrrrr. so when i was brainstorming for anniversary and/or christmas presents for the hub with the teen, she said "buy him a new GPS, mom." duh! she's a genius.

i'm thinking of buying him a leather case for the thing, taking it out of the package and then wrapping it up for him to open tomorrow at dinner (along with that freebie album). so he doesn't know what the case is for, but at least that'll tell him that there's a better present coming than that shitty album. okay, he doesn't know it was a shitty freebie, but i will. ha!

the poor guy's been so busy at work, trying to make shit happen, and so i really wanted to give him something nice for our anniversary. as for me, all i really want is a card that he's written a note in for me. he always comes through with this, so i'm pretty sure i'll get to add to my card collection. awww, so schweet.

i've paid a price for all that thanksgiving goodness - i'm now only one stinking pound under wedding weight. damn. but i'm still pretty confident that i'll be able to throw on the wedding gown again tomorrow. yay for me!

and, i think it's time for a new twirling video. stay tuned.


  1. Can't wait for twirling video II. I'd actually like to see a montage of different twirling experiences in various settings. That would be awesome.

    Happy Anniversary!!!

  2. I can't put into words how much joy that video brings me. Can't wait for the next one. Happy anniversary!

  3. I won't be around tomorrow, so Happy Waniversary in advance!

  4. have I told you how much I hate you for being able to fit into your dress 3 years later? yep, that's me - bitter betty.

    happy wanniversary;)

  5. I also can't wait for the updated twirling video :) happy early anniversary!

  6. happy wanniversary!!!!! that video made me love you even more than i already do.

  7. This video always makes me laugh. I cannot wait to see the next one!

  8. You know I love the twirling video. You know this!


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um, i think.

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