wan-na find something?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

the interwebz is fun!

okay, i know lolspeak usually involves a cat.

i don't have a cat. i have the bean. well, and the teen, the hub, and the dog. so there.

i totally missed national delurking day. i don't even know when it was exactly, since i just saw it on nanette's blog (who missed it too, haha!). but i'll make my own delurking day - today! so there!

i've enjoyed reading comments from new readers lately, so i thought i'd roll out the pink carpet (yes, pink. i like it more than red) for any others who might want to poke their heads out and give me a cyber wave. come out, come out, wherever/whoever you are!

hopefully i haven't lost anybody with some of these lame ass, boring posts lately. heh.

and while we're at it, here's a few other fun and silly things that i made, courtesy of a fun link from the monkey. with the way things have been going in the wan house, icons for "hope" and "change" are amazingly fitting.

and one more, just because:


  1. I enjoy reading your blog so much! The icons ROCK! I wish you and your family all the best in the new year.

  2. I LOVE your blog!! I look forward to new posts and think you are hilarous! I can relate to you in soo many ways and in so many ways your life is one that I covet (the shopping and eat out part). I think you are an awesome parent!

  3. I'm delurking.

    Not really.

    I spent a good hour playing on obamiconme too.

  4. howdy! I'm delurking (from the nest). You have a beautiful family! LOVE the obamiconme - thanks!

  5. I love lolspeak :)

    Hope that you get the change you want this year.

  6. Totally not a lurker. However, had you said you wanted de-stalkers, that would have been applicable.


  7. Okay you talked me into it. I am officially delurking. You crack me up so much. You have a gorgeous family. I have a 6 year old daughter and I strive to have a relationship like you and the teen do. BTW...the bean constantly makes me want to have another baby. Much to the hubby's dismay;)

  8. Hi-guess I'll "de-lurk" today! I love your blog and found it last year somehow through The Knot. I live in the same area so it's fun to see what you guys are up to.

    Happy New Year!

  9. I heart your blog! I think I must have found your blog from the nest.

  10. I've already delurked but I wanted to say hi again and that you haven't lost me. :) I love the Hope & Change pictures! I'm going to play with it tonight.

  11. Kind of delurking. I love reading your blog!! I love all of the cute pics of the bean and the teen!!

  12. hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!

    eh. i'm lame dash o.

  13. *shaka*
    I've been commenting here and there and I totally enjoy your blog, your photos, and your wit! So damned funny!!! Loving the Obama-esque photos, will have to do the same!

  14. Love your blog! I've become a regular reader. I enjoy all your parenthood tidbits, you totally make me laugh. Anyways, hope you and the fam have a great 2009!

  15. I'm a cat person, but I still think The Bean is cuter than any lolcats!

  16. like so not a lurker.

    but, hiya anywho :)

  17. This *sometimes* commenter is delurking!! Heeeeeey!!

  18. I did not know about the obamicons before this. Love it!


i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...