wan-na find something?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

lazy, rainy day

yesterday, we woke up to find that it was absolutely pouring outside. a perfect day for relaxing at home. but after an unsuccessful attempt to get the hub to work from home yesterday, the bean and i settled for chillin' at the apartment by ourselves in our jammies.


heh. but we weren't necessarily unproductive! i busted out my trusty swiffer and attached a lovely, lavender-vanilla scented cloth to it and proceeded to clean my kitchen floor. when i was done, the bean decided she wanted to help.

and then she caught a whiff of the aroma, laid down, rolled around a bit, and then crawled around sniffing the floor. it was comical.

i decided to vacuum the living room carpet, too, and she didn't like that one bit. she hates the sound of the vacuum cleaner. oh, well.

by the time the hub got home, the floors were nice and clean - and we were STILL in jammies. ha! i made dinner - grilled chicken with salad, tossed in a homemade red wine-honey vinaigrette, plus cheesy biscuits - and then we finally hopped in the shower (yes, both of us). as we watched the bachelor, i got to see what happens to my hair when i don't blow-dry it.

and it ain't pretty. we won't be doing that again anytime soon.


  1. That pretty much described my day today. Minus the swiffering and cooking and vacuuming, of course.

  2. Sounds fab!

    What did you think of the Bachelor? He totally sent my fave girl home. Boo.

  3. i want those lavendar-vanilla swifter cloths. they sound awesome. where did you pick them up?

    we spent monday driving to vegas. in the rain. and ice. :/ worst. drive. evah.


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um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...