wan-na find something?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

my old man

i can say that now, right? because the hub is officially out of his 20s as of today. yay!

although i was pretty bummed to wake up with a freaking planet on my face this morning. damn. i love how my body always gives me presents when there's a special occasion or something.

and while talking about work last night, the hub mentioned that he had a lunch meeting scheduled with a client. because he mentioned "pasadena," i casually asked "cool, where are you guys meeting?"

"smitty's grill," he said. dammit!

that was totally my front-runner for his big birthday dinner, because we've never been and heard it was super delicious. it's owned by the same folks as a couple of other fabulous restaurants in the area that we love, so i was excited to take him there. ugh.

on to plan b.


  1. Happy birthday to the Hubs! Looks like you're going to Roy's after all...lol.

  2. I love the tag on this post. [cackling]

    Roy's is pretty good from what I remember. Sadness you won't be trying the meatloaf there.

  3. Hee, I just noticed the tag after Cee mentioned it.

  4. We can't use our room Saturday. It's yours if you want it. Let's e-mail later.

  5. OMG, I just had to share the news with you. I tried out the " Best Chocolate Chip Cookie" recipe that you shared some posts ago and I have to agree. It was a dam good recipe! Very thick and chewy and crisp on the edges. I was skeptical about that whole 1/2 cup shiz. Thought I was going to make mini sized pazookies, but it wasn't all too bad in size! Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  6. I had no idea how close I was to Smitty's until I drove by it on the way to the gym Saturday morning. I thought about you guys. :)

  7. Why do boys have to ruin it?? I'm sure it worked out. I'll keep reading... :)


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