wan-na find something?

Monday, April 13, 2009

take another piece of my heart now, baby

i love my blog.

when i first started writing this thing, it was just a fun, silly way for me to talk about stuff that was going on, post some pictures, create a journal of sorts for me to look back on later. i posted a few entries, shared the link with friends and some family, and then lost interest.

and then i caught pregnant. so like tons of women before me, i thought it'd be awesome to document the journey somehow, and i picked it back up again (i'm fully lazy, type much faster than i can write, and hate writing anything by hand anyway, so a paper journal? out of the freaking question). and i really, really enjoyed it - recording the little day-to-day things in the months and days leading up to the bean's arrival was a great creative outlet for me, and i basked in the glory of the comments and e-mails i received in response to my posts. of course! you know what an egocentric fool i am.

then after the bean was born, it turned into an e-baby book of sorts. most of you have read all about the little things, changes, milestones. and when i needed to, i wrote about things that affected me on a personal level - and those posts were not only cathartic for me, but led quite a few of you to send me e-mails that told me of your own similar experiences. it always makes me feel better to hear from folks who could relate, offer advice, or just tell me that my ramblings were appreciated by someone.

and in recent months, it's changed again - lately, i've done a lot of posts about cooking and baking, something i really enjoy doing but hadn't indulged in much in recent years. photographing, sharing and reviewing recipes i find online is super duper fun. and i dig hearing from folks who have their own reviews of those recipes or share new ones with me.

but this weekend brought a wrinkle or twelve in my blogging free-for-all. and while i'm certainly not under any orders to cease and desist, i'm not exactly feeling free to continue with business as usual.

i'm ridiculously heartbroken about this. i feel like my fingers are being chopped off. i totally look forward to writing my posts, and all of a sudden i'm stuck with this uber sucky hesitancy. i just don't know what to do. i could just talk about impersonal things, discuss my feelings on news and celebrity gossip, switch over to a food/cooking-only blog, or simply change the settings and make it a private, invitation-only kinda thing, but talk about sucking all the narcissistic fun out of it all. and that's really just not me. or, i could simply pull a gordon ramsay and shout "shut it down!!" and put it all to an end completely. ack, what a horrific notion. what to do, what to do.

this. sucks. butt.


  1. I've never commented on your blog but I've been reading it for a few months now and absolutely love it. I'm not sure what the situation is but just wanted to let you know that I truly hope you keep it up.

  2. I've never commented on your blog either but I've enjoyed the recipes you've shared (even bookmarked a few to try myself). Hope whatever has got you down will pass because I've come to enjoy your blog quite a bit!

  3. I've been reading your blog for some time now but have never commented as well....Its very entertaining to me while I sit at work when I have down timee. I also like your recipes yet but I have bookmarked a few....

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I too have never commented on your blog but honestly love it.

    I read it about 6 months ago but couldn't remember the address. I searched high and low on the nest boards to find you. Ever since then you are bookmarked and one of the things I always check everyday.

    Not sure what happened but if you do go to private this is one lady who would NEED an invite because well I'm addicted to your witty blog because you remind me of my sense of humor.


  6. I love reading your blog! Keep us posted if it's by invite only.

    Good luck with whatever you decide. :)

  7. Nooooooo!!

    But you are the best. I love when your posts pop up in my Reader :(

    At the very least, make it private...?

  8. Don't mind other people. Write what you want, about what you want. It's YOUR blog! I love reading it no matter what topic you decide to write on.

  9. I feel bad something happened that makes you weary of continuing to blog. I hope everything is okay, I really enjoy your blog :-)

  10. We used to be on WW together and while I never comment I love keeping up with you and your exploits. I'd be sad if you stopped, because for someone who isn't an author you're very entertaining. Good luck either way.

  11. yours is one of my favorite blogs! I love your cooking posts and looking at pics of the bean making cute faces! i hope you don't stop blogging!

  12. I don't usually comment on your blog, but I wanted to say that I look forward to reading your new posts everyday. Everything you blog about, from recipes, to pics of the bean, to Jonas Bros. concert info (my niece is in love with Nick, too) is just so much fun to follow.

    I'm sorry that something happened to make you hesitant about blogging. I hope everything is okay. :(

  13. do I need to punch someone? I'm thinking yes - just tell me where and when and I'm there.

  14. WTF yo? Why ya gotta be so secretive? Somebody need a booty kickin??

  15. I will cry like a little baby if you "shut it down!" Please don't!!! People suck!

  16. Please don't go. Don't goooooooooooooooo! This will suck if you do. I really love your blog!

  17. I too have never commented but look forward to reading your posts daily. I'm sorry about whatever has made you hesitant but I hope you do keep up blogging.

  18. I honestly followed you from the Knot (WW to be more exact). And like others have said really really enjoy reading your blog on a daily basis. It expands my global awareness, in a very fun way. Whatever is making you hesitant, take care of yourself first and foremost, but remember you have lots of readers who really enjoy your blog. :)

  19. say it ain't so! I've only commented once, but read your witty blog quite often. I'll miss it if you close it, but understand that people can be egg heads sometimes. boo.

  20. I found your blog from The nest and have followed it on daily basis. Never commented before but enjoy reading it. You are such a great mom with 2 beautiful daughters. Honestly, your blog is one of the few reasons why i keep awake at work =). Love your cooking too. Please keep writing cuz I love your blog!

  21. Boo. That's all I've got for this public comment.

    If you want to talk further, feel free to e-mail me later tonight.

  22. boo x 10. seriously, haters will always be haters, but i hope you don't stop. there are too many that enjoy your random thoughts ha! :) if you go private, don't forget to invite me!

  23. hola - I'm delurking to say I love your blog. primarily, I don't comment b/c I'm too lazy to click out of google reader, but I had to say, I would be uber bummed if you didn't blog! :(

  24. :( i love reading your blog. i am your #1 fan from san diego. i hope you do what is best for you, but know that if you do "shut it down" i will shed a tear.

  25. Booo....that's a bummer. I also enjoy reading your blog everyday.

  26. Hugs.
    Please don't go Gordon Ramsay on us. I <3 your blog.

  27. I really hope you don't have to shut it down. I found the link to your blog from the Nest cooking board and I love it. Your girls are so sweet and you are such a fun mom! I love seeing your recipes and how you are adapting to the vegitarian thing also. If you have to go private, make sure we can go with you!

  28. Like the previous commenters, I don't ever comment due to laziness. I enjoy reading your witty blog and reading about the adventures with your adorable girls. I hope you don't have to shut this down, but I know that you need to do what's best for you. Good luck!

  29. I've been a long time reader (ahem, stalker) and I enjoy your blog so much! Please don't let people get you down. I love your honesty and your fun blogging voice.

  30. Another lurker here coming out of hiding...been reading your blog for a while now, and I enjoy reading about your antics with the teen, the bean, and the hub, and the new recipes you've been trying! I would be sad if you shut down, but I understand that sometimes, you have to do what's best for you and yours. Keep your head high :)!

  31. I too love your blog but have never commented! I think I found it about a 1 1/2 years ago and have been a daily reader since. Please don't go!!!!

  32. Another lurker, here. I am so sorry that something happened. I really enjoy reading your blog. As someone who is starting to consider motherhood, seeing how you are with your daughters has made me think that being a mom can be fun and enjoyable! You need to do what is best for you, but I just wanted to let you know that not only is your blog a fun read, but it has help make me more excited about motherhood. So, thank you!

  33. Don't. Stop.

    Unless you really have to, but that would be sad.

  34. I don't get it. Your blog is lovely, light-hearted faire. If you're not writing anything salacious why would you have to censor yourself? Do you intend to tell us who is requesting you do so? Or maybe why?

    Now, my blog? I rip into everyone. Just kidding. Sorta. More like, I write freely. About everyone. Thus it is invite only. But you? You are downright nice! Thus you should tell the detractors to SUCK IT!

  35. ditto all the above. :-(

    I hope it works out and I can continue to be entertained by your blog.

  36. :(

    That's all I've got. But hey, you know I <3 you no matter what.

  37. Yeah! What they said! Thought I'd chime in and say I hope things work out. Your style is so entertaining! And, maybe I should add, Good Luck!?

  38. Email WeeMo, and then you can email me. We've both "been there, done that."

  39. ugh. boo. i will wait for an in-person update.

  40. I love your blog too. Do I need to bust out in song? "Please don't go girl... you ruin my whole world. Tell me you'll stay, never ever go away..." Seriously I haven't been a long time reader nor a frequent commentor but I do enjoy your blog and even moreso now that you've been experimenting with the recipes b/c I am such a foodie, it's not even funny! But better YOUR family be the guinea pigs than mine, b/c even tho you've got a vegetarian on your hand I've got the pickiest of the bunch to feed in mine. So please, please don't go!!!!

  41. Another lurker coming out to say that I love your blog. It's always the first one I check. I would miss my daily dose of awesome randomness that you provide, but you have to do what is best for you. Hope it all works out!

  42. Take care of you and do whatever you gotta do! But you betta include me on the invite if you go private!

  43. I heart your blog. I think I tell you that all the time on MM. Please don't shut it down. What would I do without my daily dose of bean cuteness?

  44. OH no!!! Please don't shut it down. It's my daily lunch break read.

  45. I haven't ever commented before, but I love your blog! You constantly make me laugh with your adventures! I would be so sad if it were to be shut down! :(

  46. I really hope you'll continue to blog. I don't comment, but yours is one of my favorites. I'm sorry that somebody is trying to kill the fun.

  47. "clutching my pearls" as a old knottie who had the pleasure of letting you at a get together. I've come to adore your blog and the recipies, whitty humor, and just the general wan-nabeisms on life. I hope this is a temporary set back. And if you make it private I'll be sending you an invite request.

    Cheryl (star1079 from the knot)

  48. Oh no! What happened?

    I hope all is well :)

    Your blog is kickaasss

  49. What the hell? What did I miss? Email me!

    If your blog does become invite-only, please don't forget me :)

  50. delurking to say I love your blog!! I always check it when I see your nest sig. Your posts are so witty and never fail to help me crack a smile. Don't you dare stop blogging!

  51. I am here for an ear if you need it.


i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...