wan-na find something?

Friday, October 2, 2009

the bean as birthday princess

i spent a good chunk of the bean's birthday reminiscing, resulting in alternating between bursting out into giggles and blinking back tears at random moments. heh.

when i got home, she was fast asleep, so i made the most of the quiet time by working on some gift wrapping for upcoming weekend events and making her thank-you notes. and when i heard the little footsteps, i spun around and found her toddling towards me, bleary-eyed but smiling. and with it being the actual birthday, you know what that meant - i grabbed the camera.

at first, i got the "frown."

but she turned that frown upside down in no time.

she's figured out how to tuck her head under and do a roll, but sometimes she needs a little nudge - which i'm always happy to provide.

she was in such a good mood, she even let me sneak into a shot with her.

later that evening, we headed over to baskin robbins to pick up a fun treat ("ice freeeeem!" she shouted as we pulled into the parking lot) and then made a beeline for the grandparents', where she enjoyed her decorated cone.

note: messy face pics ahead. you've been warned.

the aftermath. she picked up the mirror, grinned at her blue-lipped reflection, and looked at us. "mess!" she announced. indeed.

present time! we all swooned over this adorable handmade dress from my friend amber, and as she picked it up to inspect it, she gasped and said "ohh, cuuuuute!" that's my girl.

apropos, no?

this gift, from my friend r, was a huge hit. buttons and music always attract this kid.

this was one of three adorable coats she received. i want one, but i'm sure you guessed that.

along with some awesome books and an adorable dress-up outfit (which also elicited an awed "oh, wooooooow" from its recipient), the girls from the OC had given her this cute little sigg bottle. it's never too early to go green, people.

'twas quite a lovely birthday for the bean, and we had a ball watching her open the mountain of presents she'd been too pooped for over the weekend.

now it's thank-you note time. and hey, the boss is off on vacay. how very wonderfully convenient.


  1. Loved all the birthday pics. Happy Birthday to your Bean!

  2. I just wanted to say that I love your blog! The bean is so precious. Happy Birthday to her!

  3. The Bean looks so cute modeling her pink coat! I bet she didn't want to take it off.

  4. Can we please get a picture in her dress up outfit please?

    I didn't get a chance to see it. 10years picked the outfit and I grabbed the books.

  5. Is it terrible that I love the frown face the most?

  6. Does the pink coat come in my size and in red? It's so dang cute. Is it wrong that I really love the messy face / ice-cream pictures?

  7. So fun! That pink coat is ridiculously cute!

    Random gear question: what's that fabric thing wrapped around her when she's eating? I need to get gear advice for baby Tucker!

  8. The bean eating the ice cream cone from BR is too funny. :)


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january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...