wan-na find something?

Monday, April 26, 2010

bribery gets you everywhere

wow, you guys really come out for fun giveaways! i'm going to have to find more shit to dangle for comments. heh.

in all seriousness, thanks to all who celebrated earth day with me and posted a comment. it was great to read all of your tips and learn about what you're all doing to save mother earth! hopefully i won't be the only one to benefit from that awesome list of ideas.

and as promised, i have a winner for the e-gift certificate to CSN stores! i hit up random.org to draw a number for me, and after i perused the section for "drawings" (and promptly clicked away, as i'm too cheap to pay for something i can do/get for free), i plugged in the info and let it choose a winner:

and my winner is...
yay for swank! please drop me an e-mail with your contact info, and i'll pass it on to my buddy at CSN. she'll send you the code to use for your prize. happy shopping!

and, a little funny to brighten your moan-day:

yet something else she'll kill me for one day.


  1. I love the bean. She is so flippin' cute, even on the toilet!

  2. WOOOOOO - I'm glad it was someone I knew! Congrats swank!!

  3. Ugh - I could totally use something to brighten my day. It's been awful so far! I can't wait till Tuesday!


i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...