wan-na find something?

Monday, May 17, 2010

in stitch-es

okay, so it's been over a week now and i'm still not done recapping the disneyland extravaganza. but this is the last post, i swear. there's lots of new stuff to talk about.

we woke up not too bright and early the day after walking around the park for twelve hours straight. and as everyone dragged their asses up and into the showers to get ready, the bean decided to check out the balcony.

once we were all ready, we packed our bags and dropped them off at the bell desk to store for a few hours. we had a reservation at the neighboring paradise pier hotel for a character breakfast, and it was a nice little walk to get there.

this hotel is quite different from the one we stayed at - kind of like comparing a holiday inn to a ritz. sort of.

as we approached the restaurant, we noticed quite a crowd in front, waiting to be seated. after all, it was mother's day, and what better way to spend it than eating breakfast from a buffet surrounded by tons of kids and grown folks in character costumes? don't answer that.

mickey was stationed right as we entered - even before we were escorted to our table. the bean was stoked and ran right over to give him a big ass hug. she looks a little leery as he bent her over for a dramatic kiss, but i promise she loved every moment.

with a little nudging, the teen scampered over to join in the fun.

we got a nice table by the wall of windows, underneath the kites. there was no mistaking where we were, with mickey silhouettes on everything.

MIL and i had each been handed a cellophane-wrapped rose by the hostess who'd greeted us. cute. i took a picture of mine as i sipped my glass of V8 from a purple crazy straw.

the first character to visit our table was stitch, who was quite friendly. the bean allowed him to "kiss" her head and gave him a high-five.

the girls were slightly less amused when he came over and ruffled the shit outta their carefully-done coiffs. he's lucky they didn't smack him upside the head. but they put their game faces on and smiled for the camera anyway.

more character visits.

despite the teen's protests, our server arrived with a birthday surprise for her. she put it on the table and then left to "rally the troops." heh. what can i say - i'd mentioned it when i made the reservation. birthdays are meant to be acknowledged and celebrated!

stitch returned to join in the birthday song and paused to give the bean another hug before harassing the girls again.

i love it. she didn't, as much, but played along because she's a good sport.

the bean was more than happy to assist her sister in polishing off that birthday brownie surprise.

on our way out, the girls stopped to say goodbye to mickey.

the teen thought it was hilarious to stand underneath the giant goofy statue in the hotel lobby.

until she tried to get out and whacked her noggin on his teef.

i really do take some random ass pictures.


  1. hahaha. love that you caught the teen whacking her head on goofy's teeth. totally something i'd do while being silly.

    and i must admit i did like lilo&stitch (the first one) a lot.

  2. Awwww how fun! This totally brings back memories of going to Disneyland for the first time when I was 6. We flew alllllll the way here from HK. <3

  3. I'm happy the white leggings worked out. That dress is super cute. OMG, the Mickey Mouse brownie looks aMAzing!!

  4. Boo on super creepy Stitch. I'm glad the teen had such a great birthday!


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january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...