wan-na find something?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

out with the old, in with the...well, you know how it goes

last week, my now ex-boss treated me and the other girl in the office to a goodbye lunch. i was feeling like sushi, and since i'd read some pretty favorable reviews on yelp about this tiny little place, we headed into old town monrovia for mooncat's.

there were a few small tables outside, sushi bar seating, a counter along the wall and window, and a couple of little tables inside. we chose one of the latter.

i think the menu was bigger than the restaurant. heh.

we chatted and checked it out, and i ended up going with their bento box special. i worried that the box would be bigger than our table, but hey - this was my special lunch.

my soup and salad came first.

then came a caterpillar roll and assorted tempura for my pescatarian co-worker.

piggy me ordered a crunchy dragon roll, too. mind you, i did share it with the others.

just as i'd predicted, my box lunch took up a good portion of our coaster-sized table. heh. i enjoyed every morsel, though.

the boss went with the udon and a spicy tuna roll. she's always looking for good asian grub for the big boss when he's in town. this passed the test, apparently.

as excited as i was about my new gig at dot's, i found myself slightly wistful and sad to say goodbye. i'd actually had a fairly decent year working in that office - the hours were great, the pay was decent, and the work itself was a cakewalk. the boss was still asking me up until that morning if i was sure i was leaving. ha! but i'm sure they'll find a great replacement - someone who will work the full-time hours she was always asking me to take on, and possibly one who'll be fluent in chinese, too. i wish 'em all luck.

and as for the new job...well, i'm having a ball! i'm getting the hang of working with the public for the first time in *mumble* years, and although i seem to be suffering from a phone phobia (i don't love talking on the phone anyway, let alone when there's a pretty good chance that i'll sound like an idiot as i stammer out unsure answers to questions), i think i'm doing a pretty good job. i'm finding easy ways to talk customers into buying a third or sixth or whatever cupcake, and even managed to sell our gift wrapping service yesterday to a dude buying a box of anniversary treats for his wife. see how happy i am?

it is wonderful to have fun at work at last. and the fact that i had monday off (and next monday too!) only adds to my enthusiasm for this job. rotating schedules kinda rock.


  1. You must be eating cupcakes every day. How can you not? Dots is my favorite in the 'dena area. I will have to come and visit you and get my mint chip fix.

  2. I have been craving a cupcake so much! Maybe I will have to come visit when I go see my gma in SGV. Glad you are liking the new gig!

  3. I will definitely be placing mass orders (like hundreds of cupcakes) in the future. I have some work events that will benefit from your wares.

  4. Yum! Seriously I'd be in so much trouble if I ever work at a cupcake shop.

  5. It really is the perfect place for you. :) I'm really glad you're enjoying the new gig!


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um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...