wan-na find something?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

birthday princess(es) in da hizow

so i've been doing a lot of bitching and moaning about our (still ongoing) lack of internet at home. it's been almost three weeks now, and i'm STILL blogging via iPad. so bitter. and as it turns out, we're going back to cable internet after all. the same one we should've had two weeks ago. and why? because verizon sucks. we're in their jurisdiction, but just barely - which means that we're on the far edge of their coverage area. the tech spent about an hour and a half trying everything he possibly could before finally determining that we would never be able to maintain a constant connection. ugh.

so now we've got yet another appointment on thursday for stupid time warner to come and do their thing. luckily, the hub got on the phone and complained so much that they agreed to basically do the install for free, gave us the fastest connection available for the same price as the shittiest one. granted, we had to pay for a year in advance, but i guess it'll be worth it. when it finally gets installed, that is.

in the meantime, i've been keeping myself occupied with other stuff, like organizing and unpacking our kitchen and bedroom crap, compiling a mental list of fabulous items i'd love to find waiting for me on birthday princess day - a mere 39 days away. not that i'm counting or anything. do you smell a fun post, complete with links and pictures, coming as soon as the cable guy shows up? i sure do!

and more importantly, i'm trying to think of a fun theme for the bean's upcoming 3rd birthday party. toy story is a front-runner, since it's currently her favorite movie. and how cute would the decorations be? woody and buzz and mr. potatohead and slinky dog and barbie and all sorts of fun, nostalgic toys everywhere! i already found some super cute fabric to make a birthday party outfit for her to wear, and eyeballed the back yard to make sure we could fit a jumpy bouncy house back there. i'm thinking the food will be super easy, too, because we can transform the kitchen into our very own...wait for it...pizza planet! i'm getting all worked up into a party nazi frenzy over here.

i sure hope i'll have located my stupid camera chargers and cables and things by then.


  1. If you do a Toy Story theme, I'm copying everything you do. Hey, immitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right? ...or something like that. ;)

  2. Um. The 23-year-old in me is screaming, "TOY STORY PARTY! TOY STORY PARTY! TOY STORY PARTAY!!!!"


  3. you MUST have a toy story party. sooo cute. you have such great ideas!

  4. TS3 for sure!!! I'm trying to plan super early (bday isn't till Oct) for my 3 yr old's party too. I did a rough draft of the invite with the intention of focusing on Jessie as the main character since after all she is a girl. Unfortunately after asking the bday girl (multiple times) which theme she wants she keeps answering "Princess" - but Mama wants TS3!! LOL

  5. I can't believe she's about to turn 3!


i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...