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Thursday, October 7, 2010

silly bean milestones

yesterday afternoon, i finally saw the end of that pettiskirt i've been working on for days and days.  phew - but unfortunately, no time left to make one for the teen.  ugh.  i felt so bad telling her, but she took it in stride.  it makes me want to do whatever i have to do to make her one anyway.

of course, i had to try it on.  you know, to test the fluffiness of it.  or something like that.

and obviously, this was before i inserted the elastic/ribbon waistband.  that took no time at all, and it was the bean's turn to twirl happily in the fluffiness.

after that, because of a mixup in the hub's calendar, the bean attended her first junior league meeting.  heh.  yes, i was that mom.  but i figured it would be better to be present, even with a little tagalong, than to skip the meeting altogether - especially since i'd missed the last one.  and luckily, the rest of the ladies in my fundraising committee were totally cool about it and welcomed her with friendly smiles and snacks.

this morning, she's wearing a shirt that i bought for her - oh, probably three years ago at a paul frank warehouse sale.  i've been waiting for ages for it to fit her, and today's the day!

doesn't it look smashing with her daddy's tennies?  heh.

tonight and tomorrow:  more party prep madness.  the end is near!


  1. Wow, already attending Jr. League meetings at such a young age ;-)

  2. The tutu looks too cute! Nice job missy!


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um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...