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Friday, November 5, 2010

election day antics

i had every intention of going to vote before work, so that i could rock my "i voted" sticker and hopefully provide a subtle reminder to our customers to go and do the same.

unfortunately, i ended up running totally late and had to put it on hold until after work.  but before that, i was meeting some of my junior league sisters for lunch at an old favorite, la grande orange.  one of our favorite members, smiley, recently dropped a double whammy on us - she's pregnant with twins (a girl and a boy!), and leaving for minnesota.  her husband received an offer he couldn't refuse, and with the added allure of family members in the area, they're outta here.  talk about a yay!/boo.

every time i've gone to LGO, i've ordered the same super delicious thing:  the del mar salad.  this time, i was determined to step out of my comfort zone and try something new. 

i decided to go big and have a coke - the kind from mehhhh-ico, with real sugar in it:

i was torn between the short rib tacos (which my friend onesipkim ended up ordering):

and the tuna burger, which is what i went with after the waiter's recommendation.

plus, OSK let me poke my fork into her entreĆ©, which was really scrumptious.  next time, i'm ordering that

a few of us had discussed getting smiley a gift, but decided it would be better to wait until she got to her new home and just sending it to her there, so she'd have a few less things to pack.  but i didn't want to arrive completely empty-handed, so i brought a little something (predictable me):

we had a great time, but it was sad to say our final goodbyes to smiley.  she's really one of the sweetest people i've ever met, and a huge reason for me being (and staying in) the junior league.  i can't wait to see her babies, i'm sure they'll be adorable.

i battled some traffic on my way home, since it was near rush hour, but it wasn't too bad.  and when i got to my polling place, it was fairly empty and i didn't have to wait in any lines.  get ready for my stupid face, by the way.  it's coming.

i knew i couldn't take any pictures inside, so i didn't even try.  i did my thing, handed in my ballot, and accepted my sticker happily.

and then i made one more stop that made my (and the bean's) day perfect, to pick up this:

she was ecstatic when i got home and told her to look in my bag.  and really, so was i.  i loved the movie when we saw it in the theater, and we watched it together as soon as i could get the plastic wrap off of it. 

of course, i had to make an excuse to leave the room as we got close to the end.  i'd already gotten teary at the beginning of the freaking movie, and had totally bawled in the theater at the ending.  heh.

i'm such a sap.


  1. since i'm a total lazy ass, i send my ballot through the mail. and i totally threw away the "i voted" sticker on accident..so i was all pouty on tuesday.

    also.congrats to your friend on the babies/move.

    and YAY! for TS3..i don't know how the heck i freaken forgot it came out on tuesday until i saw your FB post about it..duh! i bought it the next day. and yea..tears! ugh

    oh..you totally cracked me up with the coke from "mehhhh-ico".
    ok i think i've rambled on forever...lol

  2. You ARE such a sap, and that's why we all love you.

  3. Can you believe I still haven't seen that movie? Lame-O.


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