wan-na find something?

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

JLP + JLLA = awesome

on the morning of wan-niversary, i took part in a volunteer gig that united the l.a. and pasadena junior leagues in one big extravaganza.

bright and early, i headed out to the encore parent center in pasadena to help out at a "gift of giving" event. the GAP program ("grandparents as parents") provides support and services for those who are raising kids whose parents are unable to raise them for one reason or another.  we were in charge of helping the kids assemble simple crafts which they could take home and give as holiday gifts to their caretakers, as well as making others to donate to a local homeless shelter.

i managed to arrive at the same time as my buddy onesipkim, and we dragged our groggy asses in there together.  neither of us had had time to find a starbucks to get some much-needed caffeine, and we did our best to give each other a boost and wake the hell up.

inside, we found our fellow JLP volunteers gathered around.  the girls in charge gave us a quick overview of what the day would look like, and then started assigning us to our stations.  "has anyone ever made a lanyard?" one asked.  i hesitantly spoke up, since i'd done a few lanyards back in, oh, grade school.

"oh, great!  you'll be perfect!" she said, and handed me some photocopied pages of instructions on how to make the damn things.  oh, crap.  and what a great name for my station (typo and all):


and i spent a good ten minutes trying to figure the effing thing out.  i remembered that i was never able to get them started way back when, but i had no choice but to get it done.  i was happy to finally get it right:

i would much rather have been at the easier stations, like these.

all around me, my fellow JLP sisters snickered at me, stuck at the loser table.

of course, i had to make the stupid face:

i walked away to take pictures as often as i could.

because of the difficulty of our station, we decided to make a bunch of "starters" for the kids to work on.

meanwhile, i kept going on mine and decided it was time to stop when it was the length of a freaking bracelet.

group picture!

and when it was all over, we filled out questionnaires about our experience at this event.

i'm helpful, huh?


  1. We need more helpful people like you! I like that you find time to do something for others.

  2. At least you spelled "lanyards" correctly on the questionnaire, unlike the sign :)


i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...