wan-na find something?

Monday, December 20, 2010

wan-niversary dinner

in the midst of everything else, i completely overlooked wan-niversary dinner.  oops.  and it started out so nicely too, with my gift from the hub coming from vegas - macaron extravaganza:

we set out to have dinner as a family, with the teen inviting rock-ell to join us, at a yummy restaurant down in fullerton.  the plan was to have a nice meal and then hit up downtown disney to walk around and catch the nightly fireworks extravaganza.  but because we'd waited till the last minute, every restaurant we tried to go to was completely booked.  of course.

so this is where we ended up:

while some of you may moan and groan in dismay, i was okay with it.  it's inexpensive and it's a place that we always hit up when we're in hawaii - including our wedding trip.  see?  totally appropriate.  the teen was happy, too.

she even got one of those drinks in a fun cup.

and i went all out and had a lava flow.  yum.

after our giant platter of appetizers, i enjoyed the same entree i get every. single time.  the "shrimpin' dippin' broth," yummy shrimp in a spicy broth served with a hunk of fresh bread and steamed rice.

at downtown disney, we stopped in at the lego store, where everyone was kept entertained.

including me, when i spied these awesome shoes on this chick;

while the bean went over to say hi to lego-fied woody, the girls kept on playing.

at the studio 365 store, the teen mooned over some framed costumes from the jonas show:

it was almost fireworks time, so we headed over to the plaza between the two parks.

you can always count on disneyland for a fantastic fireworks display.

before we left, we stopped in at the jazz kitchen for some dessert.

the end.  maybe next year, we'll make it to maui.  heh.


  1. those disneyland fireworks get me everytime, I'm such a sap!

  2. My DD covers her ears during the Disney fireworks too. They're loud! lol.

  3. The picture of you looking at the Bean is so sweet. Happy wan-niversary!

  4. p.s. you needed a pic of you AND your husband in this post!


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um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...