wan-na find something?

Friday, January 14, 2011

when all else fails

we all know how narcissistic i typically am.  i love to talk about me - right?  except that i'm fresh outta stuff to talk about right now.  heh.  so guess what time it is?

yup, you got it:  iPhone dump time!  whee!

i went in to check on the bean yesterday and found her like this:

last week, one of my co-workers brought in a special surprise - a rosca de reyes for three kings' day.

she told us that there are three little baby jesus figurines baked in there, and the folks who get them are supposed to get together on february 2nd and throw a party together.  the funny thing was that there were only three of us working that day, so we joked about having our party right there at dots.  as i sliced into it to bring a chunk home, i found myself cutting right into baby jesus' neck.  that can't be good.

and i couldn't stop laughing at this:

the bean was happy to be the first one to taste the cookies she helped bake:

my friend nanette has been introducing me to some fun little morsels lately - she's a great contributor to snackstravaganza 2011.  first, these strangely addictive, magically delicious roasted seaweed snacks that her little em is also a big fan of:

as i was stocking up on them at trader joe's, i was really tempted to just buy a whole box.

and then she tweeted about goldfish s'mores.  they're sweet versions of those delicious little cheddar crackers, with chocolate, marshmallow, and honey graham tidbits all in one bag.  see?

speaking of the bean, she's adopted yet another of the teen's signature poses.

for last week's junior league meeting, it was my turn to be the "secondary" for dinner - this means dessert and drinks.  so i decided to bring some s'mores pops and red velvet cake balls.  since we'd chosen blue and silver for the color theme of the event we're working on, i decided to go the extra mile and coordinate my offerings:

of course, i found out when i got there that at the meeting i'd missed just before the holidays, the colors were switched back to the original pink and brown.  d-oh!  it's okay.  they devoured 'em anyway.

remember the sunglasses that the hub bought for the teen for christmas?  they weren't the right ones, but he wanted her to have something to open.  anyway, i managed to sweet-talk him into letting me keep them - and then decided that i wanted different ones.  when he took them back, he got the cash for them and handed it to me so i could go and get myself a nice new pair of sunglasses.

except that i walked into the kate spade store and found that they were having a great sale, with 25% off of the sale prices.  and oh, how i love me some kate spade.  i actually fell in love with a different bag, but it wasn't on sale and was out of my price range.  so i found myself debating between these two bags:

after double-checking with the hub to make sure he didn't mind that i deviated a bit from the original plan (heh), i went back to buy me a new handbag.  i really wanted that second one - silver metallic leather, different from any of my other bags - but in the end, i couldn't handle the fact that it wasn't a shoulder bag.  i just can't do bags that i have to carry in one hand.  i've got too much to juggle to spare a free hand for my bag.

not to mention, that first bag?  originally $300+, marked half off, and then another 25% off of that.  i ended up shelling out about $10 beyond the sunglasses cash.

i win!


  1. okay, totally in love with the bean's kissy face. also in love with the super duper marked down kate spade bag!

  2. That pic of the Bean snuggling with her stuffed animal--totally melting my heart.

  3. Oooooh I like the 2nd bag! I may have to go check it out at the store.

  4. i like that 2nd bag! the leather looks buttery despite being metallic.

  5. Umm...are those blue balls on a plate? hee hee hee ;)


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um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...