wan-na find something?

Friday, February 18, 2011

cookies + books = party

so i was going through old pictures on my phone yesterday and came across a few that i meant to blog ages ago.  oops.

remember my friend onesipkim and her adorable shop?  well, sadly, she's fallen victim to the economy and is closing her doors.  so sad - this means she's also going to transfer from our junior league to the one closer to home for her.  boo.  along with a handful of other JLPers, she's become one of my most favorite friends, and i'm sad that our GTGs will be even fewer and farther between now.

anyway, the last "party" she hosted at the shop was a book signing for a local author who'd recently published a fictional book set in our very own pasadena.  i'd done those fun santa and gingerbread cookies (yes, that's how long ago this was) for the gathering, as well as a couple dozen macarons.

the author, lian dolan, was already hard at work signing books for the attendees.

it was fun to meet her, chat with my buddies, do a little shopping.  at this point, the shop was still chock full of goodies, since OSK hadn't yet publicly announced the closing.  i picked up a copy of the book and a couple of little things for the teen for christmas.

and this reminds me - my signed copy of the book is still sitting in my bookshelf, unread.  since i just got through reading the jessica darling series and this month's selection for book club (anna and the french kiss - FABULOUS), maybe it's time to pick it up and get started.

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january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...