wan-na find something?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


had to dump an entire batch of macaron shells because they were a complete FAIL.

no time to finish icing some practice sugar cookies because i started so late after making dinner (which was not a fail, thank goodness).  there are some really fun designs in there, too.

my hair is awful.  i hate it and i want to chop it, but i don't know what i want to do with it.  i'm torn between giving in and chopping, or sucking it up so it's long-ish for my cousin R's wedding.  in may.

i'm so sick of driving in traffic.

but, on the flip side:

the teen passed her online driver's ed course!  the certificate is being mailed and her appointment at the DMV is coming up to get her learner's permit.  i'm excited to have her drive me around while she practices.  "home, james!"

hello kitty pajamas.  'nuff said.

the weather is beautiful.  sunny, but cold.  well, cold for us.  my thoughts are with all of you who are dealing with REAL cold right now.

i'm helping plan R's bachelorette and bridal shower.  i've missed this kind of party planning!

finally picked up a book that might help me with my issues.

found a couple more interesting ones - one that i'd really like, the other was just fun to giggle through.

and lastly, this.

of course, we've taught her not to do this on the regular.  what kind of parents do you think we ARE?


  1. it is ZERO degrees here so maybe i should bake something, lol. oh so cal, how i never appreciated thee.

  2. I saw these a couple days ago and thought they might be cute for a Bachelorette Party, maybe a 21st birthday party and I know how much you love to make your sugar cookies, so here's another idea for you, http://www.howdoesshe.com/valentines-sugar-cookies-rated-g-pg-pg-13

  3. P.S. You'll have to scroll down a little bit to see what I'm talking about. But I thought it was pretty damned cute and I'm sure you have a heart cutter on hand in your repertoire.

  4. This is the third weekend I'd planned on making macarons but didn't have time. Fail. I kind of want to pick up this book though :) It looks so puuuurty.


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um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...