wan-na find something?

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

drive-by blogging

okay, so i'm up to my ears in stuff to do today.  but i have a couple of things to toss out:

i have a crapload of box tops i've been saving in a drawer for months.  neither of the girls' schools use them, but i got into the habit of clipping them like MIL always has.  if you can use them, i'd be happy to pass them along.  first commenter takes 'em!

we've been talking about where to vacation this summer.  because the teen really doesn't like hawaii (and airfare is ridiculous right now anyway), that's out.  the hub hates cruises, so that's not even a consideration.  we did our awesome east coast road trip last summer, but i know something like that won't do again - way too much time in the car.  any suggestions on where we should go this year?  we can take up to two weeks - i'm allowed to have the teen for that long in the summer for vacay.  i don't think we can do anything overseas, as much as we'd love to - it still has to be relatively affordable.  i just can't think of where to go.  how lame is that?

oh, and one more thing.  so i'm renting this dress for my junior league black-tie fundraiser ball next weekend:

yeah, i'm renting it.  i don't want another dress i'll never have a chance to wear cluttering my closet, and it costs less to rent a dress i really like vs. to buy one i just settle for.  know what i mean?  i'm using rent the runway to outfit myself for my cousin's wedding too, and she loves the dress i chose.  she just asked us to pick out knee-length pewter gray dresses and yellow patent heels, and i'm pretty happy that i've found both items and am all set.  at least, clothing-wise.  pardon my messy office and the self-portrait i took with super messy hair, using my handy-dandy camera remote:

ugh.  that's the best picture i found of the bunch i took.  yikes.  i better get myself in shape, stat.

so back to the ball ensemble - i don't want to wear a necklace, but i'm debating between earrings and a bracelet.  i'm eyeing three combos, all from stella & dot (of course).

option 1:

option 2:

 and option 3 (a bit more junior league-ish, with the pearls):

okay.  whaddaya think?  i gotta decide fast, because in each of these scenarios i've gotta place an order and i'm running out of time.  heh.  procrastinating as always.


  1. Vacation - Cabo San Lucas(maybe not the whole 2 weeks)

    i vote for option 3 on the jewels

  2. Love that you're renting a dress. Sounds like a great idea. Vacation -- we're going to Club Med Ixtapa... fun for kids of all ages, and parents can get a little break too - they have a kids club!

    I vote option 1 on the jewels.

  3. Regarding the jewelry, I would vote for #3 if that's the color of the dress in the picture.

  4. Vacation- Oregon.
    Portland for several days. Lots of good shopping and great eating. And then the coast of Oregon. There's also great cheese factories to visit!

  5. Vacation - Atlantis? US Virgin Islands?

    Jewelry- Combo 1! I love how edgie it would look with the dress...not to mention how it will stand out in Junion League! :)

  6. i vote for canada. vancouver. feels like seattle. victoria is beautiful too.
    and i vote for option #1 for the jewelry.

    I feel like i've done my civic duty now.

  7. I like option three. followed by option two.

  8. I rented that same dress from RTR last June! It is GORGEOUS in person and I received so many compliments. I wore dangley gold earrings and a simple bracelet.

    Two things you should know about the dress: it's super long (I'm 5'5" and wore 3" heels and it was at least 3" too long for me) and the gold and silver threads fray somewhat. Months later I was still finding threads around my house, but no biggie. You'll love it!

  9. I like option 2-- and what about the Grand Canyon?

  10. love both dresses you picked out, just checked out the site and it's totally awesome, i will need some dresses this year for 2 weddings so thanks for sharing!!

  11. I vote for jewelry #3, based on the lovely colors. As for vacation- even if you're not into camping, there are some gorgeous state and national parks you could visit (hotels abound!).

  12. Pacific Northwest - Portland, Seattle, Vancouver, Victoria. All of it is gorgeous in the summer.

    And lots of nesties can give you recs in that area!

  13. I would opt for Charleston, SC and Kiawah Island at the Santuary Resort. Great beach, great resort, great spa and Charleston is great. There are also houses to rent on Kiawah.

  14. I would vote option 3, followed by option 2.

    Hmmm....vacations. My favorite places is Big Sur/Monterey/Carmel--and you could also do San Francisco and north of San Francisco--Montecito, Point Reyes, Bodega Bay, etc... You could even do Yosemite as well.


i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...