wan-na find something?

Friday, April 15, 2011


the long hours of planning the junior league's annual "chocolate chip ball" fundraiser during a gazillion meetings finally came to a head last weekend.

well, it was actually kicked off with a VIP patron party a week prior, held at an art gallery in south pasadena owned by a league member.

i busted out a super cute new dress i'd bought at my friend onesipkim's now-defunct boutique, along with a kick ass pair of shoes she'd sold me months ago.  we posed happily for a handful of cameras, including a couple for local publications covering the event.

of course, OSK had me beat with this wicked sweet pair of platforms:

with the JLP's president-elect (she's fabulous, hilarious, and just overall awesome):

we were selling "golden tickets" - 100 numbered chocolate bars that doubled as a raffle ticket.  the prize?  a $5,000 shopping spree at a local jeweler.

lots of fun was had with the display of beautiful jewelry that they brought.  with 10% of all sales going right back to the league, one or two of the girls may have justified a new bauble or two.

i really dug this pretty pink ring.  it fit me perfectly, like it was meant for me!  but at $3200, it was easy to walk away.

and then saturday was the big day.  rent the runway totally came through for me, with my dress arriving on thursday.  they send you two different sizes to ensure that at least one will fit:

i was pleased when i tried on the smaller of the two and it fit perfectly.  plus, it was a workable length - something i'd been concerned about.  although OSK had come to my rescue yet again with an awesome pair of shoes that helped a lot:

after a crazy morning of bridal shower prep, i headed to my favorite stylist, rochelle, for a retro glam 'do.  she never disappoints, and i was excited to put the rest of my ensemble together.  i went back home to bust out my coveted naked palette (a fabulous set of eyeshadows i've had for weeks but hadn't yet tried out), slather on a bunch of hopefully long-lasting make-up, throw some jewelry together, and finally i was all set:

do i look ready for a ball, or what?


  1. you look amazing all dressed up :)
    ...and isn't that hot pink one from your friends store?? i love it!

  2. You look like something straight out of my mom's high school yearbook -- and I mean that in a good way! :)

  3. Oh, I like your hot pink dress as well as the gold one. Hot!!


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um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...