wan-na find something?

Friday, June 17, 2011

getting ready for summer

the weather has been quite lovely lately - that awesome june gloom that i love so much clears up in the afternoon and it's just perfect.  so much so that we've been spending a good bit of time in the back yard.

last weekend, brother wan found treasure up in the attic, and i was excited to see him put it up.  i love me some hammock.  i predict many an afternoon nap in here:

i remembered the gallon o'bubble solution we'd bought at toys r'us a few weeks ago, and poured some out to let the bean have at it.

she's such a ham, that child o'mine.  wonder where she gets it from?  oh, that's right - her sister.  hee!

even mollydog loves to get in on the backyard frolicking action.  i swear she's smiling at me here.  of course, this is just after she's snacked on some grass and right before she hacks it all up.

as i was taking these pictures, i noted how long the bean's hair has gotten.  since i'd just gone for my own summer shearing just last week (pics eventually.  i'm still getting used to the bangs i talked myself into), i figured it was her turn.  we went to the same place we always do, and she zeroed right in on the toy vacuum.  this child loves to pretend clean.  hopefully that'll translate into real cleaning one day.

when it was her turn, she was excited to pick a chair to sit on.  we'd been talking about it all morning.

the "before."  look at how long her hair had gotten!

i took note of this for the teen, who's been wanting one of those feather extensions.  i think they're silly, but she's the right age for it.

the bean got to watch "toy story" on the tv in front of her and read a disney book when the stylist needed her to look down.  they sure know what they're doing - it works like a charm.

we chopped off several inches.

she doesn't love the blow dryer, so the "after" shot is a little messy, but no less happy.

and of course, she had to take a picture of me too. 

she sure is her mama's daughter.


  1. She is such a big girl now!! :-O Totally gorgeous!

  2. The bean's shoulder length hair is so sweet. One of the benefits of that length is that you can still braid and pony-tail it etc., but it doesn't seem to get as tangled.

    P.S. so know what you mean about your dog looking like she's smiling at you just before the ole' heave ho :)


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um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...