wan-na find something?

Monday, June 13, 2011

pinning for team fatass

so i've been horribly addicted to pinterest now for a couple of weeks.  dang it.  if you haven't been sucked in yet, it's basically a virtual pinboard that you can use to "pin" things you find on the internet so that you can go back to it whenever you want to.  it's the greatest time suck that ever was, and when i'm bored or have nothing better to do, i'm perusing the posts for all sorts of stuff.  folks pin fun things ranging from food items to home projects to inspirational words to fabulously nostalgic items that i'd forgotten all about. 

anyway, i've pinned a bunch of wonderfully fattening things to my "food" board, including something i'd seen ages and ages ago on picky palate's blog.  what do you get when you mix up a batch of this:

throw in a package of these:

and do this:

oreo stuffed chocolate chip cookies.  it's a freaking cookie INSIDE of another cookie, people.  and once i was reminded of this fantastic idea, i had to try it for myself.

since the recipe yields 2 dozen cookies, i did what i often do and halved it.  and when i flattened those gobs of dough around the oreo and sealed the edges, i ended up with these things that were damn near the size of tennis balls:

by the way, i was pretty impressed that cutting the recipe in half yielded exactly a dozen consistently ginormous cookies.  recipes don't usually produce the number they promise.  see how big they were?

after spending a little quality time in the oven, they spread a little but were still huge and made the house smell amazing.

i didn't tell the hub what the secret was about these, and the joke was on me when he announced that he'd decided to quit sugar in an effort to drop some poundage for the summer.  crap.  but seriously, how do you resist this??

mmmmm.  they really are so ridiculously good.  the oreo softened up a little in that dough, and the flavors just go so well together.  anyway, since i'm apparently the only one who's indulging in these at the moment (the teen is at her dad's this week, and the bean - well, what she doesn't know can't hurt her), i put most of them in the freezer.

how the hell am i going to survive with the hub's self-imposed sugar ban?  bah!  does he not know who i am??


  1. I'm off sugar right now too. I am totally shaking my fist at you because these look so dang good!

  2. I was chuckling throughout this post, but lost it at the last line.

  3. You are much more disciplined than I. I don't think I've ever halved a cookie recipe in my life! On the contrary, I normally double it. I've never seen these before. They look amazing!

    P.S. you aren't fooling me by saying most are in the freezer. I know you know how good cookies are with a bit of a chill on them. LOL

  4. lol at the last line!

    I got all tingly looking at the finished cookie. OMG. I'm supposed to be losing the baby weight and dieting and all that jazz... These photos are not helping. Eek. lol

  5. I'm pregnant and SUPPOSED to gain weight, right? Because I haven't yet and I'm pretty sure these (which I absolutely must make this Saturday) will do the trick. Thanks!!

  6. This is the best.recipe.ever. They look too delicious not to try! Thanks for posting!

  7. OMG. So much yummy goodness in one bite.


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january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...