but when denny's announced baconalia - a salty, porky menu of special bacon-laden yummies - i knew i had to go, just once. and during one of MIL's visits, she suggested it for an evening that the hub was out. she knows me well. i love her so. and apparently, so does denny's:
i was probably more excited than i should've been.
like, i was positively giddy as i perused that special bacony menu.
even though i despise meatloaf, i might have tried this. bacon makes EVERYTHING better, y'all.
but i ended up ordering this - predictably so.

equally shocking was my dessert of choice - the maple bacon sundae.
the bean dug in too. after all, it was ice cream. ain't no way she's missing out on that, bacon or not.
and then i wonder why the number on the scale is going up. heh.
the difference between the menu picture and your picture made me lol.